So, we have lived in this neighborhood for barely 2 months, and already we have an enemy. WARNING: I take full responsibility for NOT being a bigger person and diffuisng the situation. Prepare to be shocked.... as my friend Joanna says, "It is really shocking."
So, here's the story......
Once upon a time (hee hee) Mark was home alone with Pepper, and Pepper was outside barking his sweet little heart out while Mark watched TV. Out of the blue, this grouchy old man comes to the door. Mark answers it. The old man complains that the dog barking is bothering him, and it is against the CCR's. Mark is polite, apologizes, and brings the dog in.
Fast forward a few days..... We are all home. I am cooking dinner. The washing machine and dryer are going. The kids are in their rooms doing whatever they do in there. Mark is watching TV. Pepper is outside barking. The grouchy old man comes to the door. I answer it.
Old man (with vein pulsing on his forehead): Your dog has been outside barking for almost an hour. Could you.....
Me (with mouth pursed and eyes narrowed): Goodbye (Door is closed)
Now, I know that was not the best way to handle the situation, but I was tired and really, if I would have actually talked to him, I would have said something RUDE (even more rude than shutting the door in his face) and possibly containing profanity!! So, under the circumstances, I did the best I could.
The newest update in the saga occured on Halloween. I had a pretty decent day at school... The kinders were pretty well behaved. But, it was Halloween, and the amount of sugar is only rivaled by the high energy level. So when I got home I was mellowing out on the computer.... checking email, visiting blogs, and playing solitaire. Mark was on the golf course. Mason was in his room, and Kyla and Alyssa had just arrived home from Jr. High. Pepper was again outside (barking). Kyla yells to me that their are early trick or treaters, and I need to get the candy ready. So, I log off and start heading to the kitchen, but as I pass the front door, I see THE DREADED OLD GRUMPY MAN coming up the steps. As I walk passed the glass door, he looks in at me. I keep walking. I say to Kyla, "Go get Pepper" and I go into the kitchen to get the candy. He rings the doorbell. This time when I open it, he truly looks like he is about to have a stroke. He is so worked up and angry. Before I can say anything he snaps at me, "I have been listening to your dog bark for over an hour, and he's driving me crazy!!!!!" I say, " I already sent my daughter to get him." I shut the door. I get the candy ready. I answer the doorbell to 3 trick or treaters. I snap at an approximately 7 year old boy who takes 2 handfuls out of the basket. HEY!
That grumpy old man spread his grumpiness all over me..... That is not how I want to spend my time! It is then that I get a mental picture. This old guy from across the street is retired. He has a lovely sweet wife. He bothers all the neighbors about the CCR's. He sat in his house for an hour with nothing better to do than listen to my dog bark and let himself be overcome with anger.
That is when I became full of remorse.... not for letting my dog out to work off a little energy after being locked up in his kennel... but for the people who have no joy in life.
So here is my note to the grumpy old man....
Dear sir,
I am truly sorry that you have nothing more exciting to do in your day than to sit home and listen to my dog bark, so I have come up with a list of things you could do while my dog is outside each day.
1. Turn your TV up.
2. Put on some big band music and dance with your lively wife.
3. Get in your car and go to the store for earplugs.
4. Watch an action movie.
5. Call someone you like and make pleasant conversation.
6. Mow your lawn.
7. Take a walk in a quieter neighborhood.
8. Drill or hammer or saw something.
9. Scrub something. (Scrubbing always gets my anger out.)
10. Put on some Marvin Gaye or Barry White and have a MATINEE with your wife.
Whatever you do, please avoid my front door. Sincerely, your helpful neighbor
So, I'd love to hear your comments on what to add to my list. Gotta go, I hear a knock at the door.....