Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The Beach
This is a shot we took at the beach while trying to get a picture for my mom's Christmas gift. I love the way Maddie is peeking around at Alivia. I love the way Livi's hair is blowing in the wind. I love how you can see how cold it is by the hunching of Kyla and Alyssa's shoulders. I even love how you can see Mason's impatience at these "weird pictures" by how he's standing.
I promised myself that when we moved back here I would spend more time at the beach. The ocean is one of the things I like best about Eureka. It's just so primal and beautiful and full of power. Will try to schedule a trip this stormy week if the bad weather lets up.
My first trip to the beach was when I was about 8 years old or so.... very late considering we lived less than an hour away.... but my parents didn't much like leaving home. Anyway, we all piled into some vehicle and drove out to Panther Gap and then to the "lost coast". I was so excited to see the waves and the sand. I really wanted to go and run in the waves like kids did on TV, but my dad would not stop the car. He said it was too windy and cold to get out. I know now that it probably was very windy and cold, and I probably would have not lasted on the sand for more than 10 minutes, but my regret at not getting to really experience the ocean that day was very great.
My own children are not the type who like to try new things very often.... especially not Mason. But, I try to expose them to life in an active way as often as possible. I want them to have as many experiences as possible.... to feel like they are living and not just observing the lives of others through that flickering window we call the TV.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry & Bright
Well, up until the 22nd things were pretty hectic. As usual I was frantically trying to get everything done for my classroom up until just about the last minute.
On Thursday night after attending the Winter Program at school where my Kindergartners sang "Channukah is Here" (they were pretty cute btw!) I drove to Walgreens to drop off one last roll of film to develop. My plan was to give my parent volunteers a nice photo of their child in a frame, but several of the pictures from Tuesday came out pretty whonky and a couple of kids were absent, hence the Thursday night foray to Walgreen's. I arrived at about 8:05 p.m. Had to wait in line 10 minutes because they had lost the pictures of the customer in front of me. Finally left at 8:15 with my little tag saying pics would be ready at 9:15.
So with 1 hour on my hands, I ventured to the mall to finish stocking shopping for my kids. I went to 3 stores, got everything I needed, and was promptly back in line at Walgreen's at 9:18. Things were going just as planned.....
The girl at the photo counter was on the phone and noticably frazzled, digging through drawers. I waited about 5 minutes until a guy showed up. He asked the phone girl what needed to be done. She told him to help "that lady" (meaning me). He wandered over, glanced at my tag without saying anything, and wandered away. About 30 seconds later phone girl comes over, still on the phone, and asks if he helped me. "I don't really know, he looked at my tag." is my unhelpful answer. She walks off talking into the phone. He comes back holding a roll of film all unwound and hanging from that contraption that goes in the machince, and leers pretty close to me saying, "I've been at lunch, and it was pretty busy so your pictures haven't been started yet, but we'll get them done really soon." It is then that I notice the distinctive aroma of the Humboldt County drug of choice wafting off of photo guy. I look more closely at him and sure enough, his eyes are red and glossy.... pupils enlarged. Must've been a nice lunch.
15 minutes later, stoned photo guy rings up my pictures (thankfully they came out great)saying, "Mrs. Ber.... Mrs. Berg.... Mrs. How do you say your name?" "Mrs. Bergenske" I reply. "Well, Mrs. Bergenske, Mrs. Bergenske, Mrs. Bergenske..... You're here to pick up your pictures." And what could I say to that. He was painfully right.
I finally got home at 10:00 and spent the next hour wrapping parent gifts. And putting tags and bows on gifts for my students.
Things have been getting progressively better since Thursday night. We had a lovely evening last night with all of Mark's siblings and their families here at our house. I felt very relaxed about the whole thing and had a great time. I got to hold sweet Charles, if just for a little while.
Today we celebrated together as a family and I even made breakfast... a rare occasion indeed. Kyla is happily talking on the phone and playing with her new American Girl doll. Mason is patiently waiting for me to get off the computer so he can start loading his new 30gb ipod with classic rock and roll. Mark is watching 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" and vacuuming the debris off the living room carpet.
All is certainly Merry and Bright.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas cards..... CHECK!
Had a nice visit with my Mom's side of the family in Hayfork on Saturday. I got to bring my sisters 3 girls along with me, and they were fantastic. My favorite part of the day was listening to Maddie (who is just 4) tell Grandma stories in the car. She told Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man and one other I can't remember. I HAVE to video tape her soon! She has the sweetest little high pitched voice and remembers LOTS of "book" words and phrases... It's just the cutest thing you ever did see!!
Peace to all!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My theme song....
Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2 |
You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too. |
Monday, December 11, 2006
Some years I start buying gifts in, oh, say June. This year I had a total of ONE gift purchased by December 1st. And, money being a bit tight around here, last week I started filling out the list with homemade gifts I could make with scrapbooking supplies.... Lord knows, I have enough supplies to make 10 years worth of gifts!! Then, yesterday, I went to Target with my list to get stuff (mostly for preteen boys) who I had no ideas for, and I ended up buying for most everyone..... there will be very FEW homemade gifts this year..... It just felt easier that way... with so little creative energy flowing out of me, I didn't want to use it up on altering art supplies for a 5 year old.....
Oh, and this sweet little girly in my class told me Friday when we were writing our letters to Santa that her favorite reindeer is Comma. Hee Heee!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
work, work, work......
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by work again. I have not left school before 5:00 all week, and with Mason pacing around the classroom from 3:20 on, it is not pleasant. In addition to putting in late hours, I usually do 3-4 hours of prepping at home each night. I do not know why it's taking me so long to get things done.... am I too unorganized?.... am I slow?.... am I doing too much?......
It's a question I have no answer for.... but I am working on it! I want A LIFE!!
Here is an older photo of Kyla and Alyssa "kissing" Santa (actually my cousin Tim).... I found it last night at about 11:00 when I was obsessing about finding a photo to use as my desktop background that was winter related.
Now I am off to see what I still have to finish
Saturday, December 02, 2006
a father who loves me....
Naughty or Nice
Thy are my child
It came from the World Prayers Archives, and it touched that spot in my heart and filled it just a little bit.... I do have a father who loves me with an adoring love.... who cried with joy on the day I accepted the proposal of my dearest Mark.... who tearfully rejoiced with me when my children were born.... who watches over me each day and hopes that someday I will realize that indeed I am worthy.... worthy of love.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
More about me....
one. who am i?
two. who knows me best?
three. how old am i? (or how old do i feel?)
four. the most important thing in my life is _____________
five. i always carry _____________________
six. something i always do _____________________
seven. i'm at my happiest when _____________________
eight. on a monday morning, you can find me ____________
nine. my favourite mode of transport
ten. my eyes are _____________________
eleven. my favourite material posession
twelve. to relax, i like to _____________________
thirteen. the town i live in is _____________________
fourteen. my worst habit
fifteen. my guilty pleasure
sixteen. when i look at someone, the first thing i see is _______
seventeen. i think _____________________ is beautiful
eighteen. one thing i can live without
nineteen. one thing people don't know about me
twenty. my life is ___________________
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thankful for.....
...popcorn and diet pepsi
...snuggling under a cozy blanket with Kyla while watching Harry Potter
...Pepper cuddled up on my lap
...finishing 9 of 11 items off my to do list today
...a warm house with rain dripping onto the roof
...a movie date with my husband last night
...the prospect of NOT cooking dinner tomorrow email from my good friend Shelley
...watching Harry Potter in Spanish and laughing with the boys
...Kyla being kicked off the computer so I can use it yummy cranberry chutney chilling in the fridge
...talking to my Grandma on the phone yesterday
...a day filled with family tomorrow
...3 days with friends and wine tasting next week
Monday, November 20, 2006
Holiday fever
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Here are the shots of Charles...
Wanna be photographer
So yesterday I got to go up to my inlaws house to take some pics of my new nephew, Charles. In order to get ready I whipped out my camera manual and proceeded to read about how to shoot without using the preprogammed modes. All that reading inspired me to take a few pics at home before venturing up to see Charles. Here are a few of the shots I took.....
This is my niece Alyssa looking cute..... and quirky in her pink fishnet sleeves!! And of course Kyla is being her crazy but beautiful self!
Friday, November 17, 2006
A random chat
One of the best things about commuting with your kids is that you are stuck in the car together, and they are almost always forced to talk to you! Now, don't get me wrong, Mason and I by no means talk for 20 minutes straight to and from school each day. But, we are having more conversations overall since we started driving around together.
Today we were laughing about all the ridiculous incidents the news was reporting concerning the release of the new PS3. I mean, come on people, shootings and fist fights over a gaming system!! Get a life!! The conversation then turned to the many gaming systems Mason has owned in his life. He actually saved up his own money for months to buy his first Nintendo back when he was 10!!
That triggered a memory for me of him in his room at about the age of 4 with money (mostly coins) in a loooooong line from the toy box to the door. At least twice a week he would spread his money out this way with the BIG money (AKA $1 bills) on one end and progressing down to the pennies. Then he would meticulously count the money all by himself. It was the cutest thing ever.... and may I say that his Math skills were VERY advanced for a 4 year old! When I mentioned this to him, he remembered that he was saving up to buy a Darth Vader toy.
It was a nice drive home today.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
bad day/ good day....
Right before recess, one of the other teachers calls me and says the reading program I've been dying to use has arrived..... I walk to the teacher's room and realize it's GOODIE DAY (this means other people have made a yummy lunch with lots of desserts for all to share) AAAAHHHH!! My day is better!
I'm pretty easy to please!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Good Story
Friday, November 10, 2006
A new baby in the family
Monday was the big day! Liz’s water broke at 2:50am, and after a 15-hour labor adventure, Liz gave birth to a 8lb-5oz, 19-3/4” baby boy at 6:08pm – Charles Nicholas Bergenske. He is just adorable and both he and his mother are recovering well.
We are so excited about our newest Bergenske!!
Congratulations to the happy (sleep deprived) parents!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
She's 4!!
She jumped....
She leaped....
She giggled....
She bounced....
She shrieked with joy....
She was wild and crazy....
It was a lovely party at gymnastics....
And when we sang...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday dear Maddie....
Happy birthday to you!
She positively GLOWED!
It was perfect.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Halloween Hauntings
Here are a few shots I took of the girls on Halloween before trick or treating. Maddie was dressed up as Kipper (her own personal black and white cat), Livi was Minnie Mouse, Alyssa was a pirate girl, and Kyla was an AC/DC school girl. They were all adorable. It sure took a large amount of coaxing (and bribery) to get Kyla to wear her outfit, but we did it!
We enjoyed a night of roaming the Lundbar Hills area. Near the end Maddie had to be carried, but it was worth it..... There is still candy scattered all over the house!
This is certainly one of the BIG advantages of living in Eureka again.
P. S. We did not go the aforementioned neighbors house!
Friday, November 03, 2006
The dreaded neighbor....
So, here's the story......
Once upon a time (hee hee) Mark was home alone with Pepper, and Pepper was outside barking his sweet little heart out while Mark watched TV. Out of the blue, this grouchy old man comes to the door. Mark answers it. The old man complains that the dog barking is bothering him, and it is against the CCR's. Mark is polite, apologizes, and brings the dog in.
Fast forward a few days..... We are all home. I am cooking dinner. The washing machine and dryer are going. The kids are in their rooms doing whatever they do in there. Mark is watching TV. Pepper is outside barking. The grouchy old man comes to the door. I answer it.
Old man (with vein pulsing on his forehead): Your dog has been outside barking for almost an hour. Could you.....
Me (with mouth pursed and eyes narrowed): Goodbye (Door is closed)
Now, I know that was not the best way to handle the situation, but I was tired and really, if I would have actually talked to him, I would have said something RUDE (even more rude than shutting the door in his face) and possibly containing profanity!! So, under the circumstances, I did the best I could.
The newest update in the saga occured on Halloween. I had a pretty decent day at school... The kinders were pretty well behaved. But, it was Halloween, and the amount of sugar is only rivaled by the high energy level. So when I got home I was mellowing out on the computer.... checking email, visiting blogs, and playing solitaire. Mark was on the golf course. Mason was in his room, and Kyla and Alyssa had just arrived home from Jr. High. Pepper was again outside (barking). Kyla yells to me that their are early trick or treaters, and I need to get the candy ready. So, I log off and start heading to the kitchen, but as I pass the front door, I see THE DREADED OLD GRUMPY MAN coming up the steps. As I walk passed the glass door, he looks in at me. I keep walking. I say to Kyla, "Go get Pepper" and I go into the kitchen to get the candy. He rings the doorbell. This time when I open it, he truly looks like he is about to have a stroke. He is so worked up and angry. Before I can say anything he snaps at me, "I have been listening to your dog bark for over an hour, and he's driving me crazy!!!!!" I say, " I already sent my daughter to get him." I shut the door. I get the candy ready. I answer the doorbell to 3 trick or treaters. I snap at an approximately 7 year old boy who takes 2 handfuls out of the basket. HEY!
That grumpy old man spread his grumpiness all over me..... That is not how I want to spend my time! It is then that I get a mental picture. This old guy from across the street is retired. He has a lovely sweet wife. He bothers all the neighbors about the CCR's. He sat in his house for an hour with nothing better to do than listen to my dog bark and let himself be overcome with anger.
That is when I became full of remorse.... not for letting my dog out to work off a little energy after being locked up in his kennel... but for the people who have no joy in life.
So here is my note to the grumpy old man....
Dear sir,
I am truly sorry that you have nothing more exciting to do in your day than to sit home and listen to my dog bark, so I have come up with a list of things you could do while my dog is outside each day.
1. Turn your TV up.
2. Put on some big band music and dance with your lively wife.
3. Get in your car and go to the store for earplugs.
4. Watch an action movie.
5. Call someone you like and make pleasant conversation.
6. Mow your lawn.
7. Take a walk in a quieter neighborhood.
8. Drill or hammer or saw something.
9. Scrub something. (Scrubbing always gets my anger out.)
10. Put on some Marvin Gaye or Barry White and have a MATINEE with your wife.
Whatever you do, please avoid my front door. Sincerely, your helpful neighbor
So, I'd love to hear your comments on what to add to my list. Gotta go, I hear a knock at the door.....
Friday, October 27, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Some random thoughts for tonight.....
I wish I were a better photographer
I haven't cooked dinner for the last 2 nights
I have been obsessed with work and making my curriculum the best it can be
I miss my old house at least 1,000 times each day
I am thankful to be near my family
I had a good talk with Kyla about boys today
Mason took a 37 minute shower last night
I saw a doe and her fawn go across our street 3 times today
Mark will be 40 in 9 short days... birthday plans are in motion
I helped Kyla put up the Halloween decorations
I fed Pepper some tuna and regretted it later (pee-yew)
It was foggy all day and drizzling this evening
I had a hot chocolate from Starbucks right before dinner
I found some great ideas online for pumpkin activities for the classroom
I did my 'shrink your female fat zones' tape today
I didn't get out of bed until 9:48 this morning
I listened to Matchbox 20 and The Big Chill soundtrack and U2 today
I cut out at least 800 paper mittens
I did not do any laundry
Friday, October 13, 2006
Sweet Ryan
So, with so many new babies getting ready to come into the world (In addition to Michelle & Jim's twins, my brother in law and sister in law are having a baby soon!!!!) I have been getting baby fever. So, I guess it's time to work on Ryan's baby album.
When my dear friend Michelle had her little Alison 2 years ago, I created her a first year album before she was born!! So when Ryan came along the next year, I thought he should get one, too!! Unfortunately, I have finished about 3 of the 15 pages so far, and Ryan is already 9 months old!! I absolutely MUST finish it and send it along to Michelle and Mike!! By the way Michelle, this is the title page. Do you like it?
I actually packed a whole suitcase of scrapping supplies and took them to Australia this summer with the intention of completing Ryan's book on our 2 week vacation..... but, alas, the creative bug necessary for this project was not with me!! But here it is, the weekend, and Kyla is spending the night with her cousin, and Mason's football game was canceled, and the creative bug is buzzing around my scraproom!! So Ryan's album might just get finished!!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Twins on the way!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Pages complete!!
For most of the summer I was in a scrapbooking hiatus.... not on purpose, I just couldn't seem to find the energy and creativity to make any pages.... but in the last week I have been scrapping like crazy.... well maybe not crazy, but certainly energetically! I finished Mason's 2005 album this week, and he actually looked at it! It was the most attention he's ever paid to a scrapbook!! I also added some pictures to some already completed pages, and did 2 pages for our family 2005 album (only 22 more pages to finish!). And then today, I did this page for Kyla's toddler album for 1995-1996....There's actually a pink border around the whole layout, but my scanner cut it off! Anyway, I love these new Bohemia papers and rub ons.... Only wish I had been a better photographer back then.... after working on this picture for over an hour with photoshop this is the best I could do!
Here's hoping you have a creative week!
Friday, October 06, 2006
The child, the myth, the legend
When I was about 1 or so it garden planting time again, and, being a curious and spoiled child, I wanted to help. So when it came to planting the corn, my mother swears I stomped my chubby little feet on each mound of dirt. Now all of you corn planters out there know that for the corn to grow, the soil should be lightly tapped over the top of the seeds, so my dad was insistent that I not be allowed to ruin the corn. But, of course, my grandpa insisted that if it made me happy it was OK, so I stomped and stomped each mound.... my dad getting madder and madder by the moment and everyone else happy to amuse the baby. My mom also swears it was the best corn patch they ever had.
Along the same lines is the cooking incident...... Growing up the front right burner on the stove didn't work, and the story goes that I wanted to cook, so I filled a plastic bowl with water and proceeded to melt it all over the stove and almost catch my grandpa's thin white hair on fire... all the while my parents were flabbergasted and my grandpa was chuckling.
Another way my grandpa indulged me was by allowing me to eat complete cubes of butter whenever I wanted and to cover my peas with a mound of sugar bigger than the actual mound of peas. I was also allowed to drink Pepsi in my bottle and to put me to sleep at night the trick was sugar water with a dash of whiskey!!!! ACK!
So, now you all know, the myths of my childhood...... Does this help you to understand the strangeness that is me?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Memories at Random
So one of my goals this fall is to start writing down memories I have from my childhood. I would like to create a 'Random Childhood Memories' type of album and add to it whenever inspiration strikes.
So on this night, while Mark is in Kansas City, and Mason and Kyla are doing whatever it is they do in their rooms at night, and Pepper is asleep on my lap, I thought I would write down a memory for my (someday) book.
I loved to play outdoors as a little girl (as indoors there was not much room!) so a couple of different times I built a school house on top of the haystack. I took books and paper and pencils and chairs and blankets and who knows what and lugged each piece up to the top of the haystack and built a classroom. I would always play the teacher. I had great times whenever my sister would join me and be my student, but as I was very bossy, that did not happen very often. So usually it was just me on top of the haystack with a stuffed animal or kitten, playing school. I remember I always had to reprimand the boys for their messy handwriting. I don't know where this came from, but it was likely something I heard my teachers do at school. This is one of the reasons why I listen very carefully to how the students in my class talk to each other when they play teacher at school......
so far, so good!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Hey girls!!
Finally opened up the picture CD Lori gave me at the last lake party .... Thanks, Lori :-) I really loved this picture and had to print it out. It is from that "Big John" winery where we made the poor guy take picture after picture. I think it was worth his while, however, as we bought more wine there than anywhere else!
I have been saving up all my personal days at work in the hope of being invited to Murphy's in December.
Hope you are all well!
Love, Nancy
Sunday, September 24, 2006
A Chair
This is a picture of my Granny. I don't know when it was taken or who is in the photo with her, but it's one of my favorite pictures of her.
I have such wonderful childhood memories of Granny. She was a huge influence in my life... and remains to be even today.
Yesterday, I went to visit my Dad's cousin, Dolores, and she gave me my Granny's little wooden rocking chair. I haven't been able to take my eyes off of it since I brought it home. I feel all warm and comforted just by having it here in my house. My sweet Mark is going to clean it up and repaint it for me, then it will go in the corner of my scrapbooking room. I am thinking of rebacking one of the quilts Granny sewed to drape over the back.
Thank you, Dolores.... for the chair and the visit. Little by little I feel more re-connected to this new place I am living.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The best show ever.....
So I know I have blogged before about my favorite TV shows, but in honor of the Grey's Anatomy premiere tomorrow night (in about 25 hours and 30 minutes!!!!) I just had to make a comment.....
I love Grey's Anatomy.... It makes me laugh and cry and think about my life. It makes me appreciate what I have and push myself to grow......
Now this may seem a little weird for a TV show, but it's the truth. I look forward to each episode as I would a night out with the girls. It truly is the best TV I've seen in a really long time.....
Some favorite moments:
Bailey, "Quit looking at my Vajayjay!"
When Alex scoops Izzy off of Denny's bed and carries her away..... (these two take me back to the days of Doug Ross and Carol on ER)
"Pick ME, choose ME, love ME" (this is what we all want to say, and don't have the nerve.)
Christina and Burke dancing in kitchen (I should do that once in a while!)
Izzy and Meredith and George laying under the Christmas tree, looking up at the lights (I do this every year)
The entire bomb episode (OMG!)
When the intern, Marshall, apologizes to the giant contry-fied dad of the pregnant woman who died, and you think he's going to throttle him, and he comforts him instead.... (instant tears)
Can't wait for tomorrow night...... only 25 hours, 18 minutes to go!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Such a bummer
Monday, September 11, 2006
In later years, my partner teachers and I tried to keep the memory of that day alive in Kindergarten by planting red, white and blue flowers with paper pieced flags in memory of the victims and heroes, but last year as I was trying to discuss "Patriot's Day" with my class, not a single one had any idea of what I was talking about. It was then that I realized they had been 1 year old at the time of the incident. So, I have decided to keep the memory in my private life and not to commemorate it at school. I am not sure if this is the right decision, but it is what feels right to me. I just don't think a short chat by the teacher can convey the importance, yet a more in depth discussion could prove to scary for them to process. That seems more appropriate at home.
Whatever you are doing today, I hope you took time to remember.......
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Game Day
This is the look of the boy whose team won their first game 35-13, but he didn't get to play. You see, he has a knee injury, so he hasn't been allowed to put on pads or hit anyone or run or go for a sack or even block for the last two weeks. And all of those things are what makes him happy.... you know, that giddy kind of happy that is so obvious even the dense mother can see joy on her son's face.
So tomorrow we go for an MRI, and I really hope that they say this boy is ready to suit up and throw some blocks. He could really use an adrenaline rush right about now!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
My friend.....
Thanks so much for the walk today, Danette.... It was great to catch up!! I am looking forward to many more days like today in my new hometown.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Books, books, books
So I'm wondering why I haven't blogged about what I'm reading or what I've read and loved or what I'd like to read.......
Currently I am reading Lipstick Jihad. It is a memoir written by an Iranian American journalist. Being that I generally ignore politics, and recall almost no history, I've found it to be very informative. It's not really what I'd call riveting, however, I have almost no desire to pick it up.
The last GREAT book I read was called The Life of Pi. It is about a 16 year old Indian boy whose family is immigrating to Canada with a variety of animals from the zoo they have recently sold. The boat they are on sinks and Pi finds himself on a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a tiger. I found it in the airport and read it while on vacation in Australia this summer. Several friends of mine were less than impressed by it, but, to me, it was FABULOUS. I loved the discussion of various religions in the beginning of the story, and the section while Pi is on the boat kept me in stitches. And the interview at the end was extremely thought provoking. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.
So, tell me, what are you reading?
Monday, September 04, 2006
It has been such a long time since I was the mom of babies....
It is hard to remember the waking up every 3 hours, the tiny sweet giggles, the tickling of their toes, washing their hair for them in the bath, getting to pick out their clothes. And look at those faces.... are they not the most adorable things you've seen all day?
I miss being the mom of babies.... especially on the days when new backpacks are being demanded.... when most of what comes out of their mouths is sarcastic or whiny....
Of course, I also love the freedom I have now. I don't have to make anyone's lunch except my own.... I don't clean anyone else's bedroom.... I get to assign chores and leave them home alone. I can even have interesting conversations that don't include color names or rhyming words or potty talk (well, most of the time!)
But, even with all the advantages of being the mom of older kids, for tonight, I miss my babies.......
Monday, August 28, 2006
Holy Moly!!
Teaching Kindergarten is so different from every other grade. Most non-teachers think it's the easiest grade to teach..... there's no complicated math..... the kids are small and cute..... you don't have to grade piles of essays.... piece of cake right?? all fingerpainting and singing and playing on the playground.....
Well, I'm here to tell you teaching Kindergarten is no picnic, cake walk, or otherwise relaxing and delightful activity. IT IS WORK... HARD WORK! After one year in 3rd grade I had forgotten how taxing it really is. I kept telling myself (in my brain) that the first week of Kindergarten was the hardest thing to teach, but the reality was something my brain had blocked out... you know, the way your brain blocks out the pain of labor after you give birth!
I had kids who wouldn't talk from shyness, kids who talked constantly, kids who couldn't sit in one spot for more than 5 seconds, kids who refused to sit down, kids who wandered around aimlessly, kids who looked at me while I gave directions then went back to what they were doing, kids who couldn't line up, kids who could line up but couldn't stay in line, kids who could stand in line but couldn't walk in line, kids who drew scribbles for a self portrait and kids who took 20 minutes to draw only their eyes.
I am more tired than I can EVER remember being.....
but here's the thing about being a Kindergarten teacher..... with all the hard work, it is such a thrill when in the middle of September you call the students to the carpet and all of them come and sit down ready to listen... then there's the day when the scribbler first successfully writes his name.... later on, you get to hear the direction ignorer telling someone how to put the toys away in the correct tubs, and around about May you get to show them all how to write a story and revel in the 4 minutes of silence when all you hear are pencils scratching across paper while little faces are intent upon their work.
So, I'm not really asking for pity... I love my job..... I just have to go to bed now. Night!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Today's musings...
So today was the day I had meetings with all of the teachers from Ferndale Elementary and High School.... and let me just say how lucky I am to be a part of such a wonderful community. The entire staff there has been sooooooo supportive and kind and helpful to me. I have always loved teaching, and I have always felt that the schools I taught at were well run and full of wonderful people, but this sweet little community near the ocean really takes it to the next level.
How blessed I am!! (Of course I still miss my old comrades!!)
On another note, Kyla had her Back to School Night at her middle school and spent the evening either pouting or crying about how she wants to move back to Sonora. She misses her friend Kaylie and is sure she will not be able to make
any new friends. (She actually has several friends at the new school already, but they are in the grade ahead of her.)
Of course, right now she is spending the night at her cousin's house, and is happy as a clam!
Don't know why I posted this layout I made for a contest on several months ago. I guess I'm just missing my scrapping lately since all my creative energy has been going into setting up my classroom. I am glad school is starting Monday, because if it didn't I'd just keep on decorating and spending all my time there obsessing over making it perfect!! Luckily when the children arrive there's no more time for any of that!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A picture of Jimmy
Looking at this picture of Jim reminds me of how fragile life can be.....
I am vowing this very moment to live my life to the fullest....
To not allow myself to be dragged down by negative people.....
To try each day to make someone else happy.....
To love....
To laugh.....
We all miss you, Jim. You were always there to put a smile on someone else's face.
P.S. Thanks to Raquel for the picture :-)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The service was held at the Weaverville Cemetary, and because Jimmy was a veteran of the Iraq War there was an honor guard there with the 3 gun salute and taps playing and everything. It is so hard to wrap your mind around the death of a man so young with so much life ahead of him. I had last seen him at Christmas, and we were laughing and talking about his apartment in Redding and his job. He was such a friendly and outgoing kid. So easy to talk to and ready to laugh. Our family will miss him so much.
That brings me to my family. I am so lucky to have a family so full of love. They welcome everyone and once you are a part of our family, you are part of us forever..... divorce, separation, whatever... they care about you and you have a place and are welcomed with open arms. I am honored to be related to each of them.
So, if you are reading this, our family needs your prayers. Most especially my Grandma, and my Aunt Toni and Uncle Kevin and Jimmy's remaining siblings, John and Katie. This tragedy has left me in shock, and I can hardly comprehend what they must be feeling.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Settled in.....
The house is lovely and airy and so bright that I cannot sleep past 7 am as the sun (or fog) shines through the 7 foot tall sliding glass door in my bedroom and wakes me up! This morning as I lay there trying (unsuccessfully) to go back to sleep I realized what a gorgeous view I have.... beautiful forest land right outside my window.... with mountains in the background and just a touch of vapor rising up from it all in the morning light. Of course, now that the internet is back I will be avidly surfing for window coverings because I love sleeping in more than the view.... Hee hee!
Lots to do today, as it is my niece Livi's birthday party and I still have a gift to buy. Also, Kyla has been invited to a birthday party this evening... she's already made some new friends... amazing girl that she is!! So, I have to work out, then it's off to the mall!!
New email address is
Hope to hear from you soon!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Moving here was such a huge change for me. I felt like my life was turned upside down, and I really wasn't sure I would survive. I could not imagine what my life would be so far away from "home" or if I would ever make any new friends or if I would get a job or if I would survive the snow in winter or heat in summer. It was all so foreign and frightening. I spent a lot of time crying... It was my biggest life challenge up to that point.
Of course, I did learn to live far away from all that was familiar. I actually did more than just survive... I thrived. I made many wonderful friends, I accomplished my dream of being a teacher, I crashed only once in the snow, and I learned to wear tank tops and shorts and stay in the shade in summer. And with time it got even better.... this new place became our home. It's actually the only home my children can remember.
Again, I am overwhelmed with the changes I am facing in the next few days and weeks.... for myself and for Mark and the kids. If you are out there, and if you are listening, we could really use your prayers.
Love ya! N
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A date is set....
For 2 months people have been asking..."When will you be here?" (if they live in Humboldt County) or..... "When are you leaving?" (if they live in Tuolumne County)... so now we have an answer. August 1, 2006.
While up in Eureka for my class reunion, Mark and I found a beautiful house in a picturesque neighborhood, and we fell in love with it. So we will be moving and renting it until our house sells and we are able to buy it. It will be nice to be settled in when school starts. The kids will not have to sleep on couches, we will not have to live out of suitcases. It just seems a little fast for me..... I am grieving the loss of my home here. Today I will be taking at least a whole roll of film of the details about this house that I never want to forget. I can feel a mini album in the works. Maybe I will actually scrapbook!!! It has been a long, dry summer in the scrapping department! Only 2 pages in the last two months.... hopefully it will be a more productive July!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Graduate
So, as most of you know while I was away vacationing in Australia, Mason graduated from 8th grade. He had a fantastic day, said it was the best day of his life, EVER, and became even more angry about moving to Eureka...... because now he won't get to see his friends anymore.
I want to thank my friend, Lori, for taking this picture of my firstborn on this important day. I am so proud of him for more reasons than I can list here. Suffice it to say, he is a witty, funny, smart, handsome and caring son, and I am praying that he will be able to accept this move and adjust to his new home. I am sure everyone will want to be his friend.... Who could resist that face?
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The Great Barrier Reef
I know, I know, you are rolling on the floor laughing at this MOST ridiculous picture of us, but this is us.... in all our middle aged glory... snorkeling off a beautiful island.... at the great barrier reef... in Australia..... fresh from lurking over numerous FABULOUS specimens of sea life... so if we look a little giddy, or goofy.... that's OK, because we're having the time of our lives!!
So here's how it went... One Saturday we scheduled a trip to go snorkeling off a pristine island with only a lighthouse on it called Green Island. We get up early. We groggily get dressed and ready. About 10 minutes before we are to meet the tour bus, Mark looks out the window and sees that it is pouring down rain! Ack! Immediately, my mood turns sour. But we trudge through the downpour (me in high heeled sandals and a skirt) and out to stand in the only protected area (which of course is next to the large rubbish bins) and wait for the bus. When it arrives, we try to ascertain from the driver what the weather will be like at the island that day. We can get no confirmation either way, so after much deliberation with the driver getting more impatient by the minute, we cancel and trudge back to the condo.
We reschedule for Monday. Cameron, the guy who booked our first trip..... promising good weather...... Tells us it is supposed to be overcast and a little windy. Monday comes and things look like a regular winter day in Cairns..... overcast, muggy, and about 80 degrees. The bus ride is long, but the bus is large and comfortable. We see a field of wild kangaroos. The bus pulls off so we can watch them for a while, and two of them start boxing.... HILARIOUS! We see huge nests on electrical towers. We learn about the aboriginals and the farming of sugar cane, and all those tourist-y things tour guides chat about. The first thing they tell us when we board the boat is that the crossing is going to be very rough, and they are recommending everyone take motion sickness medicine. It was very rough, but the medicine works, and we cross with little trouble except one HUGE splash which soaks Mark's back. When we arrive we see the lovely island except with gray water and sky instead of gorgeous, clear blue as in the picture. We decide to take the snorkel tour with the Marine biologist. He leads us (and one really skinny, cold guy with no lycra suit) around to see the underwater sights. It was truly incredible! Just like being inside an aquarium... beautiful waving coral, gi-normous colorful fish, everything! We saw 2 adolescent green sea turtles (about 2 feet across). It was so amazing. They just sat in the coral looking around and we floated right above them.... close enough to touch! Mark and I also saw a clown fish (like Nemo) living in a sea anemone. Unfortunately, the swim only lasted about an hour and we had to get to the boat or miss lunch.... not a option if you are me... I never skip a meal!! This most comical picture was snapped by the boat's photographer as we came out of the water after the tour. So, laugh all you want! It is worth the ridicule!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Flight of the Nanchang
Just a little update about another of our Australian adventures..... This was the highlight of the trip for Mark. If you know Mark well, then you know that in addition to knowing virtually everything there is to know about sports, he is also a history buff, and one period he knows more about than your average Kindergarten teacher is World War II!! So, when he saw a tiny ad in the tourist magazine to ride in an authentic WWII plane, we jumped in the car (like 2 days later) and drove up to the the lovely town of Mareeba on the Atherton tablelands. Mark chose the Nanchang VH-XXB because it was the smallest and most manueverable plane.... thus more aerobatics!! He spent a giddy 30 minutes in the sky. He saw loads of sights, operated the controls for a while and enjoyed numerous rolls, dives, spins, etc. The pilot later told us most people usually can't take even half of the aeros that Mark did.... something like 3.8 g's! So in addition to traveling half way around the world, Mark can also check flying in a WWII plane off his lifelong "to-do list"!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I have a job!!!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
One of our trip highlights.....
So we are back from our big vacation to Australia....
what a cool place Cairns is!! If you are not familiar with the land down under, Cairns is on the northeast side of the continent in Queensland. It is tropical.... the booklet promised an average temperature of 70 degrees in the winter, and we were blessed with about 80 degree weather, but clouds everyday and rain about 30% of the time.... not what I pictured. In spite of the weather we had a fabulous time. Here you see me holding a real live koala. The photo was taken at the Cairns Tropical Zoo. We went there on our first day. We saw a spectacular bird show where the birds flew right over the heads of the audience... we saw many LARGE snakes in the reptile house... (luckily we saw NO snakes outside of the zoo, as on our arrival I read that almost all homes in Queensland are also homes to 1 or 2 pythons!!!!!) ... we saw lots of freshwater crocodiles and several saltwater crocs as well.... one of the crocs had eaten 15 cattle off a ranch before he was sent to the zoo, and another, who was 15 feet long, had eaten a man's dog as he was walking it through a park. The croc was so big it had to be kept in the local jail in a cell while they built a box large enough to hold it for transfer..... I also got to feed three funny kangaroos right out of my hand. One of them was a little pushy and would use it's little front hand to pull my arm over if he wanted more to eat! The last thing we did before leaving the zoo was go to the picture place to have my picture taken holding the cute little koala. It felt really soft and very similar to my relatives' poodle, Max! It had wicked sharp claws and held on tight to me during the photo shoot. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Will post more later......
Yosemite Pictures
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
But of course, they were nothing compared to the beauty inside the park. I wanted to stop at least 10 times to take pictures before I was even to the meeting place, but I restrained myself.
After picking up Kyla and her friend, we boarded a bus and whisked ourselves off to the .8 mile hike to the footbridge where you can see Vernal Falls. We joined up with a few more groups and the girls all took off up the hill like they were running from a fire!! The climb was really steep, and the elevation was high.... I was wheezing so hard I thought I had developed a bad case of asthma!! Luckily they tired out quickly, and we set a more realistic pace. The views from the footbridge were gorgeous, and both Kyla and I took several pictures. One of the Dad chaperones ordered the girls to go off the bridge on the far side for more photos as the teacher had forbidden them to go past the bridge even one step. As he said, "We're here to break the rules!"
Our next stop was lunch then the Pioneer Cemetary and Yosemite Falls. The sheer force of the falling water coming off the falls was so amazing it almost knocked me off my feet... It felt like I was standing in a huge storm!!
Overall, the day was fabulous. It makes me wonder why we don't spend more time going places as a family. Although the obvious answer is that Mark is always exhausted from his current job and I am reluctant to make these excursions alone. Still, after 8 years of living in Tuolumne County, we have only visited Yosemite twice. It seems like quite a waste! I hope and pray that Mark's new job will give us the freedom to be a family who plays together again!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
We have this little brute who lives in our house. He came to us by chance one Christmas when Kyla had her heart set on getting a puppy.... a small puppy she could hold in her arms even when he was full grown..... and unfortunately he has stolen each of our hearts and now rules the household! He has a million nicknames.... Brutus, Pep, Pepperoni, Baby, Tweeter, Weiner pup, Pepperoncini, Brute, Baby.... I could go on for days! He barks at every thing that goes by our house... squirrels, cars, cats, people, dogs.... He never gives up. He vigilantly sits on the stairs with a view of the street through the window in the front door and protects our house with his ferocious bark! If he actually ever encounters another living thing, he tucks his tail firmly beneath his long body and runs until he is far enough away to turn and bark again! His bark is so potent the entire front half of his body (including his feet) lifts off the ground with the force of it!
So today our house went on the market, and inevitably our real estate agent put a sign out in front of our house.... How does Pepper feel about this sign? Well, naturally, he sees it as an intruder and has spent the night barking out the window to scare it away! I wonder if I should take him out and let him sniff at it? Maybe then we'll get a little peace around here! HEE HEE!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The job hunt begins.....
I am also on the hunt for a new teaching position!!
Some days things are so overwhelming I can hardly function. In fact, most of the last 2 days I have spent in a vegetative state on the couch. I guess I just needed to absorb the fact that we are really moving! Now I must get to work! The only way I will manage is to make a LOT of lists and take it one day at a time. Prioritizing is key.
Today my accomplishments included taking all the student's artwork off the walls of my classroom, spending time with a good friend, making a real dinner for my family, checking my email, and finding my credential (in the process I cleaned out a large cupboard in the computer desk). Boy! Was I sweating that last one!! Not being able to locate the piece of paper that verifies you are, indeed, a real teacher, could be detrimental to the job search!
If you hear of any promising leads, let me know!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Home is Where you hang your Heart .....
But living in these beautiful mountains turned out to be such a blessing! I made more true friends than I ever had in my life. I became a teacher. I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ. I raised my children. I found myself here. I became the real me...
So tonight at around 6:00, I found out that Mark has again found a new job. But we will not be moving to Oregon or Washington as I had always feared... We are going home. Home to Humboldt County where I was born. Home to the Redwood forest where I was raised. Home to my family who I have missed so dearly......
I will always miss these beautiful mountains and the sunshine and my friends, but that is what vacations are for!!
We are going home.....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Love..... Long Distance
So Mark is up in Humboldt County for the weekend. He'll be spending Mother's Day with his Mom.... what a good son!
My heart has traveled the 400 miles with him. I am really missing my family.... my parents, my in-laws, my sister.... but most especially my nieces. It seems I have been doomed to watch them grow up from afar. I get to see them about 4 times per year. When I am there, we take trips to Target or the mall, hang out at their house, have family get togethers. All of these experiences add up to about 20 hours per year of hands on love. The rest has to travel long distance.... so while I'm there I take rolls and rolls of pictures. Then I come home and create scrapbook pages about these 3 terrific girls. I try to remember all the funny things they say... each of their little quirks.... In this way I feel like a more in touch Aunt...... cause I really miss them.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
TV addict?
So now, I think I rarely watch TV..... I certainly don't have it on all the time. Usually I watch only if a specific thing is on that I like to watch..... The problem arises there.... I like A LOT of different shows! So here is a list of the shows I currently cannot miss:
Monday- 24, What about Brian (just started watching this 2 weeks ago.... I can't sleep after and hour of edge of your seat excitement, so I needed something to do after 24)
Tuesday- occasionally I watch reruns of Sex and the City
Wednesday- LOST
Thursday- The OC (I know, it's trash, but I like a little trash occasionally) and ER
Friday & Saturday- nothing (Hooray)
Sunday- Desperate Housewives (more trash) and Grey's Anatomy (This is actually my new favorite.... can't make it through the week without it!)
So tell me, does this make me a TV addict? About 8 hours of TV per week? What are your favorites?
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Back to K
I have the best job in the world.
Every morning when I walk into Columbia Elementary, I am greeted with a hug by one or another of last year's students. You see, I am a Kindergarten teacher, and the First Graders like to hang around in the hallway in the morning waiting for the bell to ring. It is the best way to start the day.... these hugs from those who still know you even though they have moved on... I am always amazed at how tall they've grown since the hug before.... MEMORIES.
By the time I make it down to Room 4, there are one or two of my students waiting by the door.... grinning, laughing, panting. They are so excited to get to school each day that they race from the bus.... trading off on who will be the first to grab the doorknob. Their enthusiasm shines from their rosy cheeks.... ENERGY.
During story time I take a brief second between phrases to glance out at their faces.... and if I am doing a really good job of telling the story, I will see enchantment reflected in each pair of eyes.... a mischievious girl eating that sweet, little bear's porridge or a fat caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly, or a mother who holds her full grown son in her lap and rocks him back and forth, back and forth.... MAGIC.
Later, if Nathan remembers the difference between the words "no" and "on" at reading group, he'll grin from ear to ear... pulling on his cheeks to try to erase the smile, but failing.... still beaming over his masterful accomplishment.... PRIDE.
During recess when I arrive with the basket of milk, they all come running, riding, sliding, skipping my way. They are hungering for sustenance after an hour and forty minutes of hard work.... BALANCE.
On the best days I sneak a little time to talk to each one about all the most important things in life... like what we had for breakfast or how that scrape got on that knee or the funny thing that the kitten did last night. I try to steal these little scraps of joy while I am tying a shoe or helping to spell a word or applying a bandage.... MOMENTS.
But lately these moments have been bittersweet. You see, after 7 years of teaching Kindergarten I have been "promoted". I found out last week that next year I will be teaching Third grade.... I am excited but a little apprehensive. After all, there are no bikes up there, no Mary Janes, no toothless grins... They are too tall to grab my leg and say, "I love you, teacher."
But maybe, just maybe, if I really work hard and put in all the love and effort, once in a while I might catch one racing to my door, or glimpse the magic fro a book reflecting from their eyes, or see the pride of a new accomplishment beaming in one of their smiles.....
I will miss my dearest Kinders, and my work may look a little different, but I will still be a teacher, so I will still have the best job in the world.
OK, so I love teaching no matter what the grade!