Now these are all stories my mom has told me about my baby / toddlerhood... I have no memory of any of them, and I do not know how much is factual and how much is exaggerated... but I want to write them down before I forget....
When I was about 1 or so it garden planting time again, and, being a curious and spoiled child, I wanted to help. So when it came to planting the corn, my mother swears I stomped my chubby little feet on each mound of dirt. Now all of you corn planters out there know that for the corn to grow, the soil should be lightly tapped over the top of the seeds, so my dad was insistent that I not be allowed to ruin the corn. But, of course, my grandpa insisted that if it made me happy it was OK, so I stomped and stomped each mound.... my dad getting madder and madder by the moment and everyone else happy to amuse the baby. My mom also swears it was the best corn patch they ever had.
Along the same lines is the cooking incident...... Growing up the front right burner on the stove didn't work, and the story goes that I wanted to cook, so I filled a plastic bowl with water and proceeded to melt it all over the stove and almost catch my grandpa's thin white hair on fire... all the while my parents were flabbergasted and my grandpa was chuckling.
Another way my grandpa indulged me was by allowing me to eat complete cubes of butter whenever I wanted and to cover my peas with a mound of sugar bigger than the actual mound of peas. I was also allowed to drink Pepsi in my bottle and to put me to sleep at night the trick was sugar water with a dash of whiskey!!!! ACK!
So, now you all know, the myths of my childhood...... Does this help you to understand the strangeness that is me?
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