Wednesday, December 30, 2009

For tomorrow

These are my plans for the last day of 2009:
1. Get ready to have company over for dinner including Mark's brother and his family who we hardly ever get to see because they live in LA.
2. Go to the library and pay my late fees and get 3 new books.
3. Work out.
4. Call my Michelle because the Christmas Card I sent to her was returned in the mail today.
5. Finish reading Fever:1793 which has been a great relief to read after trudging my way through A Tale of Two Cities (which I liked after I was finished with it).
6. Cuddle my puppy and hug my kids and kiss my husband.

Monday, December 28, 2009


On Christmas Eve I had the pleasure of meeting my sweet new great niece, Sophia. She is just a couple of weeks old and as cute as a button. She is so tiny most of her clothes don't fit her yet. She sleeps all day and keeps her parents up all night. She is a joy to hold... all stretches and yawns and oh so cuddly. What a perfect gift! And I even might get to babysit her someday!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


After all the anticipation of Christmas, it is nice to revel in the total relaxation that comes with having everything complete. I slept especially well last night, but woke up to some very bad news from the bathroom scale. So now my stress level is climbing again at the thought of all the steps that will need to be taken to reverse the effects of Cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning and pie and merry berry bars and the delicious homemade caramel given to me as a gift from one of my sweet students. Overall, I thought I had a good week with over an hour of exercise every day... the elliptical and weight lifting and walking the dog. But all of my efforts have been in vain and the real work is ahead. You see, I went off of a prescription that helps keep your weight down but has other side effects I could not live with. And, I am at that magical age where (as all my older friends keep informing me) my body and metabolism are just changing. I can wish for liposuction and tummy tucks all the live long day, but I know that's not going to happen. So, I need to make a change in my eating and moving habits. It needs to be a permanent change. And, I need to take it one day at a time or I will get overwhelmed. So here I am on day one... Only 1/2 a bagel for breakfast along with a glass of milk and an orange. And now, I am off to work out. Maybe that crazy Billy Blanks will do the trick for today.

Happy Christmas to you!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22

Some observations from today....

1. I am not keeping up on my December Daily due to lack of a digital camera and am all blah about it.
2. I have pretty much everything ready for Christmas except some gift cards I need to buy that I have no money for and am therefore putting it off.
3. I am not sure if being ready for Christmas early agrees with me... I keep wanting to buy more stuff (which again I have no money for).
4. Sent my sweet friend Michelle her birthday card today... I hope she gets it by the 24th!
5. Have been working out quite a bit so far during the break. It feels good to move.
6. The sun is out finally, and it looks cold and windy out there, but still better than more drizzle.
7. Tomorrow I get my hair cut and am going to work to get a few things done.
8. Got 4 Christmas cards in the mail today and only 1 piece of junk mail.
9. Talked to my sister on the phone.
10.Totally cracked up last night at Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. That show always makes me laugh.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I had no idea it had been so long since I blogged! What a slacker! Not much is going on around here.... the boy is sick and coughing constantly. I think he is the loudest cougher in the whole wide world. Today in the car I counted the seconds between his coughs and the longest span was 65 seconds while the shortest span was 7 seconds. He was averaging 2-5 coughs per minute. And, since he was listening to his i pod, his coughs were even louder than usual. It was not a fun ride home... maybe I need to get him a new pack of cough drops. The girl is in love and has a nice hickey on her neck to prove it. She has finally earned her way back into the real world after being grounded for almost 4 months. So she's been at the boyfriend's house twice this week after school. She even ate dinner over there tonight. She's been in a better mood, though. Tonight she came in and said, "Hi Daddy" to Mark. The use of "Daddy" is usually only heard while she is asking for something she knows she is unlikely to get. I almost fell off my chair.
The Christmas card picture is done and has been sitting at Costco for a couple of days. Three Christmas trees are up and decorated. The big one is sitting without it's lights or adornaments in the dining room waiting patiently to be finished. My scrapbooking desk is a heap of messy ness, so nothing's going on over there. I also have stuff for the classroom memory books spread out all over the floor in the bedroom upstairs. I have to finish at least one of them before Christmas break, because one of my sweet students is moving away and I need to give it to her before she goes. It would be nice if I could have the others done as well.

Off to watch that crazy show "Modern Family"
Happy Wednesday!