One of the best things about commuting with your kids is that you are stuck in the car together, and they are almost always forced to talk to you! Now, don't get me wrong, Mason and I by no means talk for 20 minutes straight to and from school each day. But, we are having more conversations overall since we started driving around together.
Today we were laughing about all the ridiculous incidents the news was reporting concerning the release of the new PS3. I mean, come on people, shootings and fist fights over a gaming system!! Get a life!! The conversation then turned to the many gaming systems Mason has owned in his life. He actually saved up his own money for months to buy his first Nintendo back when he was 10!!
That triggered a memory for me of him in his room at about the age of 4 with money (mostly coins) in a loooooong line from the toy box to the door. At least twice a week he would spread his money out this way with the BIG money (AKA $1 bills) on one end and progressing down to the pennies. Then he would meticulously count the money all by himself. It was the cutest thing ever.... and may I say that his Math skills were VERY advanced for a 4 year old! When I mentioned this to him, he remembered that he was saving up to buy a Darth Vader toy.
It was a nice drive home today.
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