So Monday I had a phone call from Ferndale asking for an interview for a Kindergarten opening.... on Wednesday I went to the interview.... and today I was offered the job!! This is such a HUGE weight off of my shoulders!! Can't wait to celebrate! Hee Hee!!!!!
We are soooo happy for you, Nancy! Congrats! They must really like you- what a fast hire... It's a bummer you'll have to make the commute, but the school is great (John and I actually toured the school a few years back during their annual auction and funraiser- which, by the way, is an amazing event... We're so glad you'll be a part of it now!).
I'm personally sad because I know this means you probbably won't live down the street :(
At least you'll be nearby!
Looking forward to it,a nd congrats agian ion the jobola!
EEeeewww.. I HATE it when I do that! I KNOW it isn't a "fun"raiser.... that was just a typo. Really. It was. Honest. Shut up.
...this is hopeless. I need to learn how to type- and apparently, spell. ugh
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