It has been such a long time since I was the mom of babies....
It is hard to remember the waking up every 3 hours, the tiny sweet giggles, the tickling of their toes, washing their hair for them in the bath, getting to pick out their clothes. And look at those faces.... are they not the most adorable things you've seen all day?
I miss being the mom of babies.... especially on the days when new backpacks are being demanded.... when most of what comes out of their mouths is sarcastic or whiny....
Of course, I also love the freedom I have now. I don't have to make anyone's lunch except my own.... I don't clean anyone else's bedroom.... I get to assign chores and leave them home alone. I can even have interesting conversations that don't include color names or rhyming words or potty talk (well, most of the time!)
But, even with all the advantages of being the mom of older kids, for tonight, I miss my babies.......
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