Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Such a bummer

So, the MRI showed that Mason has cracked his femur right above the knee, and there will be no more football for the year. We are all broken hearted.........

1 comment:

Those Few Extra Pounds said...

OK, this is the deal... that's GREAT news!! This means that his knee is NOT injured!!! If his knee were injured he's never have the same strength/abilities again... So, putting it into perspective, it's a good thing.

With that said, we're SO sorry!! Will Mason still attend practice/participate in some way? He must be so bummed, Nancy, and we know you're bummed for him.

Argh- the luck! Well, if it's any consolation, tell him I know what it's like to be completely incapable and disfunctional!

We'll come over soon and try to cheer him up. Send us an e-mail letting us know what his favorite things are (dessert, etc...).

And, as always, let us know how we can help!
Big hugs.