I am checking in to report how I did on my previous list of items to do for the last month of summer. The goal will be listed first with what was accomplished in parenthesis.
1. Exercise 25 times for one hour or more. (I exercised 15 times. Never over 1 hour... usually 20-30 minutes)
2. Clean 2 junk drawers. (finished early on... and they still look pretty good!)
3. Visit Granny Millie (Nope, didn't even call her)
4. Flowers on Granny & Grandpa's graves (Nope)
5. Pick blackberries and make cobbler (Accomplished... it was good.)
6. Learn to make a really pear martini (Nope... had some great Mango margaritas in Cabo, though)
7. Go to Fern Canyon (No)
8. Go to Patrick's Point (No)
9. Read 10 books (Yep, I read 11.)
10. Make an appointment with the dermatologist (Did it... everything's fine)
11. Clean off the laundry room counter (Yes, it was clean, but I have refilled it with other stuff!)
12. Have guests for dinner once per week (Well, I had people over twice)
13. Work on Homework bags for school ( I did work on them, they are sitting incomplete on the laundry room counter.)
14. Start memory books (Technically, yes. They are assembled in a big box in my garage.)
15. Scrap 40 pages (I got 16 pages completed)
So, I guess I did OK... definitely lacking in outings... maybe that'll be a goal for Fall.... to go on some day trips.
Cheers! Nancy