Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It's crazy how fast time flies when you spend a couple of hours each day reading.. and when you just putter around taking time to do all the things you usually have to rush through, like making your bed and wiping down the counters and scrubbing the sink and flossing your teeth and eating your lunch. It's crazy how good it feels to just float through each day with a list of things both written and unwritten to do, yet rarely feeling rushed or stressed about it. Because it's summer time and there's always tomorrow...

It's crazy how when you've had a day where much of it felt frazzled and hectic because of car accidents and closed roads and scraping machines and changed appointments and PMS headaches and a stressed out son... that a few minutes of time to gather your thoughts and relax and get your priorities straight makes it all better.

I love summer.

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