Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend Away

Everyone needs a "break" from everyday life now and then. So, this weekend I am going to a Christian Women's Retreat with my wonderful friend Danette, who I've known since Kindergarten. I don't have to cook any meals, answer any questions about when phones will be replaced or guitar picks will be purchased. I won't have to worry about doing my hair, or laundry or dishes. I won't have to listen to football games blaring in the other room. I get to take some time to rejuvenate and renew my relationship with God (and hopefully make some new friends while I'm at it.) And hopefully, I'll be able to sleep on the hard old bunks in the freezing cold in a sleeping bag. Cuz, there are two things I need every day: 3 good meals, and a good night's sleep!

Hope your weekend is lovely!

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

I hope you have a great weekend. I missed you at lunch was quite a Friday!