Friday, July 24, 2009

Finally, Summer!

Summer school is officially over, and I am now on vacation.... 5 blissful weeks of sleeping in, working out, scrapbooking(hopefully), organizing.... my mind is spinning with the possibilities.
So I thought I'd make a list of all the things I'd like to accomplish this summer:
1. Work out 5 days per week at least one hour per day
2. Clean off my laundry room counter (I hope there's a counter somewhere under all that stuff)
3. Scrapbook 40 pages of something (anything!)
4. Go hiking at Fern Canyon
5. Have guests over for dinner once per week
6. Start next year's school memory books
7. Get my homework bags reorganized
8. Clean out my 2 worst junk drawers
9. Visit my Granny Millie
10. Pick blackberries and make a cobbler
11. Read 10 books off my "to read" list on goodreads
12. Go to Patrick's Point
13. Take flowers to Grandpa and Granny's graves
14. Figure out how to make a really good pear martini
15. Make an appointment to see the dermatologist

So what are you up to this summer?

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

I wish you luck! My goal is to not have any goal or lists to do. I'm going to try to be as blah as I possibly can. Ooops, that kinda sounds like a goal.