Here are Kyla, Alyssa, Mason, Amanda and Mark on California Screamin. We had gone on it once already, and it made me pretty nauseous, so I was taking a break. This is right before the ride started.

This is right after the ride started. It really shoots you out there like a shot out of a cannon or something. I just love the expressions on their faces. I especially love how Mark has the exact same smile in both shots. And, of course, Alyssa's face is classic.

Here are the big kids at the 3-D Muppet Show.

Here are Cheryl, Dave, Alyssa, Madi and Livi in "Hollywood."

Alyssa and Kyla in front of their favorite ride.... The Tower of Terror. It was my favorite too. The first time we went on, Alyssa was freaking out, and when the hostess asked, "Are there any last questions or requests?" I thought for sure she was going to jump up and ask to get off. But, she stuck with it, and I held her hand and we screamed our lungs out. When we got off the ride, our hands were covered with sweat. What a panic we were in! It was a blast!
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