Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Goals for each day...

On this day I will not get irritated at drivers who stop when they have the right of way or drive 5 mph under the speed limit in the left lane.

On this day I will not use any sarcasm when talking to my students or my children. I will try not to use it on my husband either.

On this day I will breathe deeply and slow down and appreciate the beauty that God has surrounded me with.

On this day I will not eat any sweets, and I will savor my apple as if it were chocolate cake.

On this day I will take special care with my appearance. I will dress modestly. I will smile at people and greet them.

On this day I will listen carefully to what people say to me without thinking about what I am going to say next.

On this day I will kiss my husband and hug my kids and cuddle my puppy and stroke his soft, warm self, and feel grateful.

On this day I will not be filled with fear or anxiety for the future. I will pray and wait for guidance. I will trust that God's plan for me is more wonderful than what I could ever dream of for myself.

On this day I will make dinner with the appreciation that I am able to supply my family with 3 nutritious meals every day.

On this day I will remember that I am loved, I have been created in love. I am precious.

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

This was the perfect day for me to read this (Friday)! Thank you! :)