Friday, September 04, 2009

5 days down....

175 to go.

I know, it seems a little early to be counting the days until summer. I just had a rough kind of week. I really love my class. I have so many sweet, funny, smart, engaged students. Just as a group they tend to be very LOUD. They love to talk. And, they all tend to talk while I'm talking or, while they are playing, in extremely loud voices. Herm the Worm and I (and my freezing signal, the rainstick) have been getting quite a workout. Herm even told me not to feel too bad because he had a headache at the end of each day, too.

So I am having a super mellow night with no noise around. Would love to have a cocktail to go with my quiet evening, but I have to pick my girl up from her first high school football game at 10:00.

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

Thanks for the consoling yesterday. I felt much better about my day and lack of control :)