Thursday, November 01, 2007


So, on a whim I joined NaBloPoMo. I have seen this acronym around and thought it sounded kind of nasty (I have a VERY dirty mind!) but never had the energy to find out what it stood for.

Well last night I finally checked it out and it meas NAtional BLOg POsting MOnth. Hmmmm not so interesting as when it's an acronym!

When you join, you challenge yourself to blog faithfully every day during the month of November. So, put you seatbelts on people! You are going to be buffeted by posts!!!! Hopefully they won't all be boring... I'm shooting for 50% boring, 30% mildly entertaining, 15% pouty or grumpy and 5% fabulous!

Today's notable items:
1. I left work at 3:15 today. (Usually leave around 5:00, so Yay me!)
2.My friend, Cindyanna called me on my cell around 4:10 to find out where I was... again SO unusual for me to leave before 5:00.
3. I was at the public library when she called and got many dirty looks from other patrons as I giggled about her 'having a guy give me a massage is creepy' problem.
4. At 5:10 a couple came to look at the house we are living in because they may want to buy it and kick us out since we have been unsuccessful in selling our old house and closing the deal here. When they came to the door, I couldn't even look them in the eye. I immediately took off walking with Pepper and left Mark and the kids behind as I cried and walked as fast as I could. We should find out tomorrow if we're house hunting again.
5. Before the people came to look at the house I frantically cleaned it all up as if I actually wanted them to like it. I guess either I'm really, really well trained in wanting your house to look it's best when a realtor is showing it, OR deep down I want them to buy it and end our wondering if this house is really "the one", OR I am just such a people pleaser I can't stand the thought of someone looking at my house and thinking it's dirty.

Sorry for the weird ramblings... I am somewhat scattered tonight.

Love, Nancy

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

My vote is others seeing your uncleaned house is more disconcerting....not that your house is dirty (because it isn' least when I was there) I've never used that word before "disconcerting" I hope I used it correctly...Anyway, the massage guy was a hippie so all was a-okay. I look forward to your 30 days of non-stop blogging!