Friday, November 23, 2007

Twenty three


Today I went to see this movie with Ann, Karen and Kyla. We missed the beginning, but overall it was really cute.... cute with a capital C-U-T-E! It was all about love forever and ever and love's first kiss being the most powerful thing in the world. It did have a lot of parts where fairy tail singing and dancing and mushy talk were shown to be weird and out of place in today's society. It kind of reminded me of that Sex and the City episode when Carrie is dating the Russian, and all his big romantic gestures seem fake and out of place to her. I don't think I need too many big romantic gestures... but a little bit of sweetness each day (like cuddling before you go to sleep, or bringing someone a soda when you are getting one for yourself, or walking all the way across the house to give your love a kiss) that's what makes happily ever after for me. Also Patrick Dempsey is yummy to look at!


Cindy Anna said...

I so love the SATC reference in this post! Plus, in that same episode Carrie is wearing the Oscar de la Renta dress....oh so beautiful!

Cindy Anna said...

Where's Saturday and Sunday? Hehehehe :)