Friday, November 02, 2007


Good News and Bad News today... luckily it's mostly good.

First, the people who looked at the house didn't want it. (Good) Second, we get to renew our contract here for 6 months. (Good) Third, we have to allow other potential buyers to see the house with 24 hours notice. (Bad) Fourth, I walked 3 miles yesterday and 3 miles today. (Good) Fifth, I have seen a noticeable enlargement in my poochy tummy due to Halloween candy consumption. (Bad) Sixth, I didn't eat a single piece of candy today. (Good) Seventh, it is Friday and I survived Halloween week and get to sleep in tomorrow. (VERY Good)

See you tomorrow!

Love, Nancy


Cindy Anna said...

This post falls under the "fabulous" category. They style in which you wrote it, freaking cracked me up. Glad to hear most of your news was good!

Cindy Anna said...

Well, I think hippies do do that "thing" too, but they probably zone in on other hippies and I don't think I fit into that category. Therefore, my chances are a lot lower with a hippie. Now if I start moving in that direction, I'm going to have to re-evaluate things. :)