Tuesday, November 06, 2007


It was a pretty good day at school today. It is parent teacher conference week, and I get sort of worn out from all that chatting. Making conversation with people I don't know is very trying on my poor nerves. I am, after all, painfully shy. I had about 6 conferences yesterday and 5 more today. I am glad to be finished with the bulk of them only 5 more for the rest of the week! Yay!

I took down the scarecrow/pumpkin patch bulletin board and put up all the funny pilgrims my class made. I will take a photo after we add some writing to spruce it up.

It has been hard coming up with ideas to make the students start to understand what life as a pilgrim was like. Today we read a Thanksgiving book and had a discussion I thought went really well... lots of good comments from the kids. Then, when we were finishing up our drawing of the Mayflower,one of my smartest boys says, "Can I draw a motor on it?" I try to look on these moments as opportunities for more teaching.... which is what I did... more questions... more discussion. But, some days I just want to pull my hair out. Without a time machine, how can I give them the knowledge of "Long Ago"? They are so wrapped up in the here and now... in what they can touch and feel and smell. They can't imagine a camera that doesn't show you the picture on the back right after you take it..... how am I to teach them about life without electricity? I will keep on plugging along. Looking for the best story books and websites and activities and videos. I will keep collecting the realia. Maybe, just maybe some of them will (sort of) get it.

Off to walk on the treadmill...

Love, Nancy


Erin said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I used to teach school too. It is never dull! I love to see how kids start to relate history to what they know. It makes for some hilarious moments as well as some great teaching moments, as you mentioned. Good luck with day 7.

Cindy Anna said...

I was sad to see the scarecrows go, but I'm excited for the pilgrims!

Karen Jensen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Pleased to meet you.

Re: pilgrim life. Would it be appropriate to show your students a clip from the PBS reality show they did a couple of years ago? That made the hardship of the life fairly clear to me. What was that show called? Pilgrim House? No, I don't think it was that.

Cindy Anna said...

1. Yes, I am using my massage guys name. I realized he is an actual person (extra appendage and all) who deserves to be referred to by his name.
2. The posting at 4:44 was a complete accident. But it's pretty cool though...I really should say it was on purpose...I'd seem much cooler than I already am if I did that! I use the term "cool" very loosely here.