Saturday, October 20, 2007

A List

I woke up pretty early today (8:00.... very early for a Saturday) and felt super productive. But, after grocery shopping and mapping out a route for my sister's and my 13 mile walk/run tomorrow, I have lost all my energy. I actually just spent about 2 hours on browsing around for stuff to buy. It is weird when I am in a shopping mood, but just can't seem to put anything into that shopping cart. I guess I was just in a window shopping mood. With the window being my monitor. I did actually manage to buy a patriotic song CD for my class (why I was online at all), a set of new dishcloths and dish towels (desperately needed) and a Hot Dog with ketchup costume for Pepper (for Halloween).

But the reason why I am here is to make a list of things I like to say... some of my non-words and weird sayings (inspired by cindyanna) :)

1. wonky
2. gi-normous
3. fantabulous
4. superindeliblenevercomeofftillyourdeadandmaybeevenlatercolouringmarkers (Robert Munsch)
5. pritinear (this is Okie speak for close or soon)
6. hi-yun-dee (how my Grandma pronounced Hyundai)
7. Pot-i-pur-uh (how she pronounced potpourri)
8. Blasted

Well, that's all I can come up with right now..... if you remember one I have forgotten... or have a favorite of your own... There's always my empty comment section! Hee Hee!

Love, Nancy

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

Number 1 is my favorite, but number 8 is a close second! Number 4 took some real it's midnight and my eyesight has gone all wonky on me. Hehehe...wonky!