1. I am reading Markus Zusak's A Book Thief... It is fabulous. Set in Germany during WWII. Filled with so much odd, delightful imagery...
Listen to this:
"Each night Liesel would step outside, wipe the door, and watch the sky. Usually it was like spillage-cold and heavy, slippery and gray- but once in a while some stars had the nerve to rise and float, if only for a few minutes. On those nights, she would stay a little longer and wait.
"Hello stars."
For the voice from the kitchen.
Or till the stars were dragged down again, into the waters of the German sky."
Or this:
"As was her habit, she stood for a while on the steps, looking at Molching beneath her. The town that afternoon was covered in a yellow mist, which stroked the rooftops as if they were pets and filled up the streets like a bath."
2. I worked out really hard tonight on the elliptical. It took some of my usual hormonal fury out of me, now I feel settled down.
3. We had BBQed roast with lemon marinade, cheesy potatoes, corn on the cob, and zucchini pancakes for dinner tonight. The zucchini was fresh from my Dad's garden.
4. I have a set of math tests from today to correct, and a sample to make of a drawing showing my favorite vacation.
5. I also have to address Kyla's thank you notes from graduation.
6. I forced myself to sit in the sun and read for hours this afternoon. It was so windy out there I had to keep my sweatshirt on, and my hair was blown up in every direction, but it was worth it.