Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who's got the funk?

I am in such a funk.
Caused by hormones I think.
I've been better for a couple of months now, but this month?
Not good.
Today, sitting at my horseshoe table in my classroom, after the kiddos went home, getting things ready for tomorrow, I TRULY thought I was going to scream (like, really loud) or my head would explode.
Luckily, Cindy came in and distracted me and made me laugh.
I need to read that natural hormone therapy book, quick!


Shelly said...

I think it's time for a pomegranite martini or something! Lets get together after school gets out :)

Cindy Anna said...

I'm glad I was able to distract you. I think I'm pretty good at distracting people in general...or is it me that's easily distractable? I hope tomorrow goes better for you. It's already going to be a better day because you don't need to pack a lunch! Woo hoo!