It was such a nice feeling to be back at work. I enjoyed seeing my colleagues. I really enjoyed being busy. I really, really enjoyed hanging out with my students. I changed the schedule around again, so instead of cleaning up at the morning bell and jumping right into work, we played until 8:50 or so. It was such a relaxing way to start the day. After that, we came together and had "circle time". I got to hear all about who stayed the night with who and who got a "Intendo DS" for Christmas. We read a story about snow, then they went to music. After music we had snack and recess. Thankfully, the rain stopped and they were able to slush around out in the chips instead of being cooped up inside. After that we read about penguins, used our bodies as globes to compare Arctic and Antarctic wildlife, then painted giant penguins on 12x18 inch paper. After lunch we learned 2 new letters, did our calendar and math, had P.E. and read a story. Then, (here was the real reason for the schedule change) we did our writing. We had 30 uninterupted minutes to do 2 writing activities. It was fabulous. Only Joaquin said, "We didn't get to play." after I announced it was time to go home.... you see, playing used to happen at the end of the day, not the beginning. I wonder if he will get it tomorrow?
I am off to watch the new "Bachelor"... I always preferred Jason, so I am glad they're giving him another chance. I'll be cutting out 20 giant penguins while I watch.
1 comment:
Ya know, it's just like him to notice something like that. He is just bursting with personality....and I kinda miss his quirkiness.
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