is the name of the book I started reading today... It is by Jodi Picoult, and I have been hearing so much about her lately that I have been dying to read one of her books. There's this quote in it that struck me....
"He believed with the zealousness of an evangelist, as if spirituality were something that ran through your veins and not through your mind."
Now, I do not in any way, shape or form consider myself "zealous" or "evangelistic" when it comes to my spirituality, but this just struck me the wrong way.
With every fiber of my being, I feel the spiritual connectedness of all mankind.It is in my veins, my heart, my entire self. It is religion that is in the mind... NOT SPIRITUALITY.
It is religion that fills your mind with "shoulds" and "do nots" and rules and regulations.
It is spirituality that brings a gift of peace into a heart on a day when your daughter is diagnosed with cancer or your son swears at you for the first time or your job seems overwhelming. It is grace. It is not something you can force or earn. It is given. And all you can do is open your heart and accept it.
So, as you read this, I hope you find spirituality in your veins.
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