Just a little note from today.....
A sweet little guy in my class drew this picture of me on the dry erase board today during free time....
I just love the look of it....
The wild hair blowing in the wind...
The quirky smile.....
The funny little lean that suggests dancing....
Best of all I love the belly button.... my real belly button has not seen the light of day in 16 years!!
Maybe someday soon I will have the courage (and the waistline) to set it free!!
He also drew on boots with zippers down the sides (which was what I was wearing) but unfortunately the copy machine cut them off!!
I am so glad that my class sees me as a happy, quirky, funny teacher. They actually say that to me all the time.... Mrs. Bergenske, you are sooooo silly! soooooo funny!
Today I am blessed.
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