Monday, June 21, 2010

90% attitude

So I didn't get the job I had been not so patiently waiting to hear about. And I spent a good amount of time wallowing in self pity. Then, at Mason's graduation the Superintendent gave a little speech and she talked about the quote (which I have heard before, but obviously needed to hear again) that says something like... Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% your attitude and how you deal with it. So I started thinking and praying about what kind of a life I would want to have if I wasn't a teacher. I certainly haven't figured anything out yet, but I am considering a few things and trying to keep my options open and my attitude positive. Even though one door has closed, I am trying to find the right open window to crawl into a new and different life.

1 comment:

diane said...

I have faith that an opening will appear that will allow you to share your wonderful gifts with others. I shall truly miss having you as a teaching partner.