It seems like just yesterday that he was this.. with his curly blond hair just coming in and the gorgeous blue eyes shocking me every time I saw them (I had always swore that Mark and I would never have a blue eyed child). His voice chimed and tinkled like the sweetest of bells. He was curious and funny. He ran to me with his arms held high begging to be picked up, to be held in my arms. He wanted to spend every moment of every day with me. He came to me with every accomplishment. He came to me with every sorrow.

Now, he has become this in just the blink of an eye... His hair has darkened to a sandy brown. His eyes are still gorgeous, but it's hard to see them under all the hair and the masculine eyebrows. His voice is deep and resonant. He is still curious about some things and his amazing wit always catches me off guard. He is perceptive. He is compassionate. He is so tall now, my head reaches to about his shoulder. I am lucky if I get a hug once per month. He spends almost every minute of his day in his room. He plays video games and guitar and talks to his girlfriend on the phone. Occasionally he tells me a detail or two about his day. If I ask too many times or push too much I am accused of nagging. I am really proud of the almost man he has become.
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