Tuesday, March 23, 2010

just chillin

So I refused to go for a walk or to do any exercise today. I came home, made dinner, then prompty poured myself a glass of wine and sat out on the patio reading Anna Karenina. (Boy, that book is taking forever to read) I read a few chapters (they are exceedingly short) but was frequently disturbed by my psycho, but lovable nonetheless, dog who was barking non stop in the corner. I had to keep catching him and tossing him back into the house. The boys kept letting him out because he was whining... you see he hates to be separated from me. It has been a really long time since I had red wine, and after the first sip it has tasted delectable... could be dangerous for a Tuesday night. Wish me luck! I have to stay sober enough to watch LOST at 8:00 and then again at 9:00. LOST is the best part of my week!

Cheers! Nancy

Sunday, March 21, 2010


A list of goodness from my Sunday:

1. Thought I bought a turkey breast, but it turned out it was a whole turkey so the house is smelling great while it roasts.
2. Spent time reading up on Waldorf methods since the job I am applying for is in a Waldorf inspired public charter school.
3. Printed out my Cover letter for aforementioned job and some work stuff I had been putting off.
4. Found my old resume, but haven't tackled it yet.
5. Thoroughly enjoyed church this morning.
6. Puttered around online and found lots of stuff for our new "Jobs People Do" unit... I need good stuff, open house is coming up!
7. Had a delicious salami sandwich with that fabulous peppered salami.

How is your Sunday going?

Saturday, March 20, 2010


We have had sunshine here for days on end. It is so wonderful to wake up to sun shining through the window. I am so thankful... will possibly sit outside today and read while I bask in the warmth.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Last night while fiddling around online I actually found a local teaching job to apply for. It was like a giant weight just lifted right off of me. I actually was smiling without forcing myself... I maybe even giggled just a tiny bit... Then tonight I scored over 500,000 on bejeweled blitz... my all-time highest score! Things are looking up!

How are all of you doing out there? Is there anyone still reading?

Love, Nancy

Monday, March 15, 2010

Stop worrying already!!

this is an invitation to an amazing future & I can guarantee it because most futures are & even if they aren't, there are better things to do than blaming me

Quote by Brian Andreas....

Notes to self: Focus on the present. Be thankful for what you have. Enjoy each day. Play more.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cute boys....

This is Cody. He is 3 years old. He loves to talk and will chat about any and everything. He soaks up new words and sayings like a sponge. He knows all his letters, can read lots of environmental print by sight and can spell many things as well. He's also a great counter. He knows a lot about machines and equipment and used to have an obsession with fans. The first thing I did when he came to my house was to show him our ceiling fan and let him use the remote to turn it off and on.

This is Jackson. He is 3 years old as well. He chats a lot too, but is a bit quieter and harder to understand. His brother Cody often repeats what he says right afterwards (kinda like a translator). He knows many of his letters and likes to cuddle up with everyone. He is very affectionate. He gets really involved in whatever he is doing. Watching him eat a popsicle is like a religious experience. He pulls on his ear when he is tired. He resists sleep, but almost always loses.

I just adore these 2 boys. Spending time with them is such a pleasure for me. It helps that I really like their Mom and Dad... they are one of my favorite couples to hang out with. I just wish we lived closer together so I could see them more often and maybe even babysit!

Friday, March 05, 2010

It's Friday!

So I'm hanging out at the computer drinking a yummy hot cocoa with a generous dose of Peppermint Schnapps in it (It is only 30 proof). I am looking forward to a great visit with Michelle and Jim and the boys and Danette and hopefully Keith as well. It's such a blessing to spend time with friends.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Chest Cold

So today I woke up with a raging chest cold... but thanks to Dayquil, I survived the day pretty well.... although my cheeks were not as soft and my voice was not as gentle as usual. By the time I got home from work, I was aching in every cell of my body... my eyebrows were even actually aching! But I took an hour nap then went to Rite Aid to buy Ibuprofen and now I am feeling better again... I am looking forward to Nyquil to get me through the night.
Sorry about the poor-pitiful-me post yesterday... it was either a pre-sickness blah thing or the honest to God truth sprouting out in a moment of weakness... I still haven't figured out which and don't have the energy to worry about it.
Hope things are well with you and Happy Wednesday.

Love, Nancy

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Right now I am reading Must Love Dogs. It is funny because I didn't really like the movie too much, so I am not sure how the book ended up on my to-read list over at goodreads, but somehow it did, and so I am reading it... If only for the pleasure of crossing it off my list. (I get A LOT of pleasure from crossing things off of lists.)I am enjoying the book pretty well. The main character, Sarah, is divorced and is just plugging along in life, not taking any chances. She wants to date, fall in love, spend time with people, HAVE A REAL LIFE... she even knows she wants these things... and she knows how to go about getting them... she just doesn't have the courage to take the first steps. Each time she goes to make a change, she puts it off. She chickens out at the last moment.
I am so like Sarah in my life right now. I feel like my soul has shrunk down to this tiny little ember, and although it is still smouldering, there is very little warmth being felt. I want to spend more meaningful time with my kids. I want to plan family outings. I want to see my family more. I want to talk to people. I want to connect, to make friends, to keep friends. But when it comes right down to it, I never take the necessary steps to do these things. I stick with my same old routine. I spend my weekends doing chores, shopping, working out. I rarely call anyone. I don't invite people over. I have lost my courage.

Monday, March 01, 2010


It seems like just yesterday that he was this.. with his curly blond hair just coming in and the gorgeous blue eyes shocking me every time I saw them (I had always swore that Mark and I would never have a blue eyed child). His voice chimed and tinkled like the sweetest of bells. He was curious and funny. He ran to me with his arms held high begging to be picked up, to be held in my arms. He wanted to spend every moment of every day with me. He came to me with every accomplishment. He came to me with every sorrow.

Now, he has become this in just the blink of an eye... His hair has darkened to a sandy brown. His eyes are still gorgeous, but it's hard to see them under all the hair and the masculine eyebrows. His voice is deep and resonant. He is still curious about some things and his amazing wit always catches me off guard. He is perceptive. He is compassionate. He is so tall now, my head reaches to about his shoulder. I am lucky if I get a hug once per month. He spends almost every minute of his day in his room. He plays video games and guitar and talks to his girlfriend on the phone. Occasionally he tells me a detail or two about his day. If I ask too many times or push too much I am accused of nagging. I am really proud of the almost man he has become.