I am in such a funk.
Caused by hormones I think.
I've been better for a couple of months now, but this month?
Not good.
Today, sitting at my horseshoe table in my classroom, after the kiddos went home, getting things ready for tomorrow, I TRULY thought I was going to scream (like, really loud) or my head would explode.
Luckily, Cindy came in and distracted me and made me laugh.
I need to read that natural hormone therapy book, quick!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Prom Night #3

You have to admit, he's a pretty handsome guy. And prom is one of the few occasions when I'm allowed to take copious amounts of pictures. But, alas, it was such a yucky night for me. It was his third prom, and he was going with a big group of friends, and I was really excited to take a whoe slew of photos. Then on Saturday morning he tells me I'm not allowed to come and take group pictures. So, in my typical stubborn way I didn't buy new batteries for my camera (which has had dead batteries for several weeks). So, all that was available was K's little digital. And this is what I have for prom pictures. Not a single group shot or even one with his date. If you go on over to Karen Russell's blog and look at her son's prom pictures and compare them to mine, you will understand my severe disappointment. And, to make matters worse, on Sunday he told me that ALL the other parents were there, taking picures. ALL. Isn't that just classic?
Thursday, May 07, 2009

So one of my favorite hours each week is when I sit up in my hovel on the floor and watch LOST. The time flies by super fast, and I am always shocked (and disappointed) when that LOST word thumps up on to the screen at 10:00. This week I experienced quite a fright on Tuesday... you see, I thought it was Wednesday and I checked the guide on the TV to see if they were replaying last week's LOST before the new episode, and there was no episode on at all!!! Imagine how relieved I was when I realized it was only Tuesday, and indeed a new episode would be on in only 26 short hours.
This season is a little weird, probably because when things get close to the end, but not quite, they are a little dark and everything is getting set up for the real ending (which I am pretty sure is next season!) If you don't agree with me on this, just think of Star Wars and the 5th movie.
Anyway, the one thing I really like this season is Jim/Sawyer. It is great to see that he has made a life for himself. He is all responsible now, and people go to him with their problems. And, they way he and Juliet interact just melts my heart. There is nothing more tempting to me than a bad boy gone all good and respectable. But then, whenever Kate enters into the picture, it just gets me all peeved. What if he abandons Juliet for old Freckles, I would just be miffed!
So, what about you? What do you look forward to watching each week?
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
My head is spinning
There is just too much going on. I can't seem to settle my mind. Busy, busy at work... lots of uncertainty with people's jobs (thankfully not mine)... weird weather... wild spring fevered children.... irritable teachers who are stressed out about giving the STAR test. Then, there's home. The barking dog. The endless tidying and laundry and meal preparation and counter wiping. My darling husband and son are bickering then chuckling together... I can never predict what's going to happen next. And, then there's the GIRL. I don't even know where to start except to say that I really don't know if I'll survive the next 4 years.
On a better note, I finally started reading A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle. It is really so full of wonder and joy. I can only read a little bit... just a few pages, then I have to put it down and digest all the goodness. It's one of those books so full of wisdom, I know I'll have to re read it many times to get it all. Through it all I am praying for guidance and balance. And wasting a lot of time on the computer.
On a better note, I finally started reading A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle. It is really so full of wonder and joy. I can only read a little bit... just a few pages, then I have to put it down and digest all the goodness. It's one of those books so full of wisdom, I know I'll have to re read it many times to get it all. Through it all I am praying for guidance and balance. And wasting a lot of time on the computer.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Field Trip

It seems every year our dairy field trip suffers from bad weather. Last year it was overcast and windy and ICY cold. This year the forcast said rain all day. So, as soon as I was out of the car this morning, the director of transportation was yelling at me across the yard. He wanted to know if our trip was postponed or not. After much indecision and internet checking (and a little prayer), I breathed in and said "OK, we'll go" I think I even shocked myself.
So at 10:00 we headed out to the bus and over to the dairy. It was a great trip... with sweet baby calves that looked just like this one. And a song filled hayride. And ice cream. And no rain. What more could a teacher ask for? And I didn't take a single picture. Not one. I carried my camera around in my bag and never took it out to see the light of day. Or the joyfilled eyes of my students. What is up with that?
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