So what did you do today for Friday fun? I woke up very grumpy to my alarm at 7:30 and got ready to go look at houses with my dear husband (who is obsessed with house hunting), later I scrapped 2 pages (I've done about 2-3 pages every day this week... unusual for me lately to do that many in a month!), then I did some kid shuttling and picked up some enlargements at Costco (where I saw Cindy!), my parents dropped by, and I had melted chocolate chips and walnuts for dinner. I did try to get Mark to take me out to dinner, but I was unsuccessful. I think it's been at least 4 weeks since we've eaten dinner in a restaurant. Tomorrow I am picking up pizza from Round Table...I am almost giddy about it... isn't that pitiful? Am trying to decide if I should head for the scrapbook table or a wine glass on the sofa.....
Hmmmmmmmm.... what would you do?

If only I had Kristin here to help me decide!
Love, Nancy
wine of course!! Miss you bunches latley!! Hope you had a great week off.
Michelle C
A Cosmo's even better! I've been sucking down the nyquil over here...pretending it's a cosmo to avoid yaking it up......and as a chaser I've been watching lots of Sex and the City! Congratulations on all your scrapbooking...very cool. I hope your pictures turned out well. :)
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