Page 6 for my "What Matters" album... Mixed some old papers with new...used a couple of scraps... I keep them around, might as well look at them occasionally! Love, love, love this picture of Pepper. Could have it blown up to poster size for display in the living room! It really shows his funny little personality. Look at that attitude, that bulging chest, the glaring eyes... look at the 3 inch long legs splayed out like a duck, the mismatched eyes (one blue, one brown), the fur that grows in every color with no rhyme or reason.
On another note, I WELCOMED my class back to school today. It was a good day. We chatted as we cut snowflake after snowflake from coffee filters then we picked our favorites, colored them with markers, then stuck them in water to make a motley of blues, greens and purples. We talked about what Santa brought us... about the movies we saw. We made a chart about what we would do if it snowed. We made sticks of 5 cubes and talked about the "number sentences" they made then wrote them on the white board. We read "The Mitten". At recess 3 little girls huddled on my lap to keep warm from the icy wind while the rest of the class ran pell mell through the wet chips. At the end of the day while they played I called them over one by one and asked them to blend words. Almost all of them have mastered it. Yes, it was a good day.
I think this page is my favorite so far. Pepper is just so...well, Pepper! And even though I've only met him once, you can see that quirky personality of his. Just adorable!
What a great idea about the coffee filters! I borrowed the snow flakes idea this weekend for Saturday school, but we haven't tried the filters yet - perhaps for this weekend!
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