Another page for my "What Matters" book... Used new papers and rub ons I got at the scrap store today. I had a gift certificate from a sweet student and his parents! I actually used a silver pen and drew aborder around the picture... pretty wild for my non-doodling self. Also, on the bottom right of the picture is the word "you"... those square typewriter keys never scan well.
Am trying, no struggling, to feel more myself this week. I thought that this time off would supply me with energy, peace, sustenance. I thought I would create page after page... pack piles of boxes with rarely used items.... read novel after novel... work my body out until the fat poured off of it. Instead I have felt the same old lethargy, latent anger and anxiety as usual. Maybe it's moving from our beautiful house... maybe it's feeling financially trapped by our inability to sell that lovely, empty house sitting in the snow. Last night we had a horrible wind storm ripping through our area. I lay awake listening to the wind howling and wondering if the roof was going to blow off our house down in Sonora. And if it did, how long would it take for someone to notice? What would be the damage? Would the home owner's insurance cover it? Would the house sell better with a new roof? My brain was doing it's "hamster running on the exercise wheel" imitation. I got relatively little sleep.
I want to focus on "What Matters"... I NEED to focus on "What Matters."
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Love, Nancy
tomorrow is alaways better!!
Luv you!!
I like M's expression on his face...like there is something mysterious he's hiding.
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