Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm Off!

Tonight by 8 pm I'll be holding one of these cute little guys!! Can't wait to go to Oregon....

And, the prospect of no sassy teenagers for 3 days also has me giddy!

Have a great weekend....

Love, Nancy

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My eyes...

So for the last 20 years I have been wearing disposable contact lenses. I wore soft contacts for one year, but lost one of them about 5 months after getting them and then had to go the next 7 months with only one contact. It didn't really bother me.

But the next year, I switched to disposables just so the losing of one would not be such a bug deal, knowing that I was likely to lose one on occasion.

I don't know if I ever actually followed the manufacturer's instructions on how to wear my lenses or if I have always been guided by what ever seemed easiest, but for as long as I can remember I have been wearing my contacts 24 hours per day for as many days as it takes for my eyes to start feeling dry. On average, that would be about 2-3 weeks. At that point I take my contacts out for one night and let them soak, then pop them back in until they start to bug me again... usually about 2 more weeks.

Now, I never confessed this blatant disregard for my eye health to anyone for a long time, but eventually I revealed it to a few friends, most of whom were unimpressed, and my friend Lori, who actually follows a similar regimen, though not for such an extended period of time.

At my yearly eye appointments (which always came around about every 15 months due to my extended period of contact use) I always sat in nervous anticipation, expecting to hear the worst due to my poorly taken care of eyes. Yet, each time the doctor would find nothing to exclaim over and re-prescribe my lenses usually with a little bit stronger of a prescription.

Was the need for stronger lenses due to my wearing habits? I never had the nerve to ask, nor to confess to the doctor how I treated my eyes.

Then 3 years ago, I had to switch doctors due to an insurance issue, and I decided to come clean. I told him exactly what I've laid out before you here. I said it without remorse. I dared him to find something wrong with me.... to exclaim over the damage done.

But, lo and behold, he said the same thing all my other doctors had said. My eyes looked extremely healthy! In addition, the 8 week old pair of contacts I had been wearing for so long while putting off making an appointment at a new optometrist were surprisingly clean looking, and if I didn't want to change my habits that was OK with him. He wasn't going to lose any sleep over it.

So for 2 years I felt OK about my eye care. My doctor knew my routine, and couldn't find anything to complain about.

Then, we moved to our new area, and, of course, I had to find a new doctor. So, yesterday, I went to my first appointment with my new optometrist wearing the pair of contacts that I'd been using since March, and which were bothering me more than any pair of contacts I'd ever owned. When I filled out the questionnaire, I said that I wore my contacts for 24 hours per day, taking them out once per week, and using them for 2-3 weeks before disposing of them. I don't know what stopped me from telling the truth, but it must have been some form of intuition, because even this information sent the new doctor into a 40 minute appeal for me to change my ways. She lectured on the eye and it's parts, she got out charts and pictures, and showed me what could happen. She didn't actually see anything wrong with my eyes. There was a bit of "wear" on my cornea due to oxygenation that was normal for any contact wearers, but nothing unusual or remarkable. I am pretty sure she was disappointed not to have more bad news for me. After listening to her go on and on, I agreed to take out my contacts each and every night to allow my eyes to breathe more and to consider getting a pair of glasses to have as a backup.

I said these things to get her to stop talking. At the time I really had no intention of doing either of them. But later, as I replaced my 4 month old lenses with a pair newly purchased at Costco, I began to reconsider. My main reason was not really the lecture from the new dr., but my friend Gina who had an eye problem last year. I tried to imagine what it would be like to not be able to rely on my eyes. I didn't like the picture my imagination painted for me of what it would be like.

So last night, I took out my contacts and let my eyes breathe. I couldn't see the clock in the night without squishing Mark and squinting my eyes until they were almost closed. I bumped my toe on the new scale in my bathroom, because I couldn't see it in the dark, and I felt really disoriented in the morning as I stumbled around my newly fuzzy bathroom. But, I am glad I did it. My eyes feel very happy this morning. I am determined to turn over a new leaf, and do what's best for my eyes.

And, if it gets too annoying, there's always lasik surgery!

Cheers! N

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Getting Ready...

I am getting ready to go (with sweet Danette) to see our wonderful friend Michelle and meet her sweet twin boys. They are almost 8 months old, and I am sad that it has taken me this long to meet them. This is them above... Jackson and Cody.... aren't they cute?

Soon after that I will be getting ready to go to Cabo with my Mark.... 8 blissful days in the sun, by the pool, maybe Marlin fishing for the first time, maybe taking a dinner cruise on a pirate ship, maybe getting a pedicure.

And about 4 days a week now I am getting ready for October 21... the 1/2 marathon... I am running about 2 of the 4-5 miles I put in on these days.... not even close to being ready yet, but closer than I was when I started.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Love, Nancy

Saturday, June 23, 2007

10 things I'd like to do before I'm 40...

1. Go somewhere in Europe
2. Be rid of my "roll"
3. Decorate my living room
4. Find a church that stimulates me spiritually
5. Collect a group of girlfriends in my new town who are kind and fun
6. Buy a piece of art that speaks to my heart
7. Teach a class at my local scrapbooking store
8. Go back to Disneyland.... I love Disneyland
9. Attend another CKU
10. Go bungee jumping

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Thoughts for a Tuesday

Well, I was all excited about this box that I received from one of my students that I altered..... It's pretty cute, I think.... but then as I was getting ready to publish I came across this writing at one of my favorite blogs to visit, and it took my breath away and made me cry, and it seemed oh so much more important than my box.....

please go and read it.
Love, Nancy

Sunday, June 10, 2007

For the weekend

1. I really want to go see "Knocked Up"
2. I finished the memory books through April and have only one more set of pages and the cover to do..... am hoping to design the pages today and finish the covers.
3. Am going to a retirement party from 1-4 today (not looking good for above)
4. Have booked my sister and her family to come to Las Vegas with us in August.... it's turning into a real family vacation... CAN'T WAIT!
5. Still have to grocery shop and do weekend laundry
6. Today is my first official day of training for the 1/2 marathon... have to put in 4 miles.
7. Must get off the computer and get busy!!!
8. My 15 year old son is making pancakes for me, his sister and his cousin for breakfast!!! It's a miracle!

Happy Sunday!

Love, Nancy

Friday, June 08, 2007

4 more days....

Long ago I realized that one of the things I like about being a teacher is getting to go back to being a wife and mom for 10 or so weeks during the summer. It took me a few summers to realize this, as I started out taking classes each summer, but once I got a taste of the freedom, I've never turned back..... and my salary shows it.... no advancement on the salary scale due to and increase in college units for me. I need the time to relax, to rejuvenate, to reconnect, more than the money!

But before I can be done with my job I have sooooooo much to do! Am such a bad procrastinator, I HAVE to get more organized and finish things earlier..... well, maybe next year? HA! So anyway, I have about 40 hours of assembly line scrapbooking to do for my class memory books this weekend.... Do you think I will finish?

I doubt it, but wish me luck!!

(and did I say only 4 more days to go?)

:) Nancy

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I have seen this video a few times now, and every time it brings tears to my eyes....

So in honor of my grandfather, my Uncle Blue, my Uncle Kevin, my nephew Blair, and my cousin Jimmy, and my cousin-in-law David I dedicate this video.

And, thanks so much to all the soldiers who risk their lives so I may live in freedom.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My Sister's Keeper

For a few days now I have been reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. It was recommended to me by my good friend Joanna, who, besides having great taste in books, is hilarious and honest and so much fun to be around. ( Hi Joanna )

Anyway, near the beginning there is a part when the mother of the girl with leukemia says, "With grim resolve I make a ballet out of rinsing the emesis basin and bringing it back. If you focus on sandbagging the beachhead, you can ignore the tsunami that's approaching. Try it any other way, and you'll go crazy."

That is such a perfect description for how we lived through the 2 and a half years that Kyla went through chemotherapy. It's a one pill at a time, one procedure at a time, one step at a time journey that you take, while never looking far enough ahead to be crushed by the "what ifs".

It's a great, great book. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.

Now, I'm off to finish the last couple of chapters, cozy in bed at 7:30.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The quote book cover


I spent the day with my sweet friend Danette. We had lunch together then we went to a ceramics place to paint pottery. She made a very pretty warm colored bowl with her initial in the bottom. After much consideration, I made a small canister with colorful stripes and little dots for my scrapbooking room. It was soooo nice to sit around and chat while we painted. We are trying to set up a once a month date to get together more often. I hope it works out... She is such great company!

After I got home, there was a quiet house with no one on the computer, so I went to work tidying up the computer table and my scrapbook table. I was so content by the time I finished, that I just had to scrap a little. I ended up making a cover for this little notebook I have been filling with quotes. I am loving that color green lately.....

The first quote says:

Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instrument they are- to heal, to bring into being, to remove, as if by magic, the terrible violations of a childhood, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive- to create from the whole cloth of your soul, true love. Daphne Rose Kingma

Am trying to remember to say kind words to my children EVERY DAY..... To listen carefully to the words they speak..... To give them my full presence...... even when they insist they don't want it.... maybe especially then.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Love and Hugs! Nancy

Friday, June 01, 2007

A thought on this late night.....

We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other. To meet, to love, to share. It is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parentheses in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other, and this moment will have been worthwhile."

Deepak Chopra