Well, up until the 22nd things were pretty hectic. As usual I was frantically trying to get everything done for my classroom up until just about the last minute.
On Thursday night after attending the Winter Program at school where my Kindergartners sang "Channukah is Here" (they were pretty cute btw!) I drove to Walgreens to drop off one last roll of film to develop. My plan was to give my parent volunteers a nice photo of their child in a frame, but several of the pictures from Tuesday came out pretty whonky and a couple of kids were absent, hence the Thursday night foray to Walgreen's. I arrived at about 8:05 p.m. Had to wait in line 10 minutes because they had lost the pictures of the customer in front of me. Finally left at 8:15 with my little tag saying pics would be ready at 9:15.
So with 1 hour on my hands, I ventured to the mall to finish stocking shopping for my kids. I went to 3 stores, got everything I needed, and was promptly back in line at Walgreen's at 9:18. Things were going just as planned.....
The girl at the photo counter was on the phone and noticably frazzled, digging through drawers. I waited about 5 minutes until a guy showed up. He asked the phone girl what needed to be done. She told him to help "that lady" (meaning me). He wandered over, glanced at my tag without saying anything, and wandered away. About 30 seconds later phone girl comes over, still on the phone, and asks if he helped me. "I don't really know, he looked at my tag." is my unhelpful answer. She walks off talking into the phone. He comes back holding a roll of film all unwound and hanging from that contraption that goes in the machince, and leers pretty close to me saying, "I've been at lunch, and it was pretty busy so your pictures haven't been started yet, but we'll get them done really soon." It is then that I notice the distinctive aroma of the Humboldt County drug of choice wafting off of photo guy. I look more closely at him and sure enough, his eyes are red and glossy.... pupils enlarged. Must've been a nice lunch.
15 minutes later, stoned photo guy rings up my pictures (thankfully they came out great)saying, "Mrs. Ber.... Mrs. Berg.... Mrs. How do you say your name?" "Mrs. Bergenske" I reply. "Well, Mrs. Bergenske, Mrs. Bergenske, Mrs. Bergenske..... You're here to pick up your pictures." And what could I say to that. He was painfully right.
I finally got home at 10:00 and spent the next hour wrapping parent gifts. And putting tags and bows on gifts for my students.
Things have been getting progressively better since Thursday night. We had a lovely evening last night with all of Mark's siblings and their families here at our house. I felt very relaxed about the whole thing and had a great time. I got to hold sweet Charles, if just for a little while.
Today we celebrated together as a family and I even made breakfast... a rare occasion indeed. Kyla is happily talking on the phone and playing with her new American Girl doll. Mason is patiently waiting for me to get off the computer so he can start loading his new 30gb ipod with classic rock and roll. Mark is watching 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" and vacuuming the debris off the living room carpet.
All is certainly Merry and Bright.