2. I got to sleep in until 7:30 and leave the house at 8:50 (as opposed to waking up at 6:00 and leaving the house at 7:15). It was nice.

3. I got my new lens in the mail Monday, and this is the only picture I've taken all week.
4. I have to go to the workshop again tomorrow.
5. I am sad Michael C. from Project Runway was eliminated. I can relate to his feelings of inadequacy and trying to prove to his parents he is good enough to be a designer. I am praying he will realize he is talented and deserving just the way he is... with out winning a contest.
6. I haven't been working out at all lately, and this is affecting my energy level, weight, quality of life, etc. Have to get back at it.
7. Stayed at work until 9 p.m. last night getting ready for my sub. That is just too crazy late to be at work.
8. Had pancakes for dinner tonight.
9. Just started reading 1,000 Days in Tuscany by Marlena de Blasi. Love it. Thanks Cindy for the Borders gift card. :-)
10. Am ready for bed at 7:53. See what I mean about energy level?