Kyla and I took Pepper and went to the beach to get some sand for my classroom. One of the things I keep promising myself to do more often is to go to the beach . There is just something so magical about the ocean. It is so soothing to walk along listening to the waves, feeling the wind in your hair and the sand under your feet. Of course going anywhere with Pepper is the opposite of soothing. He pulls so hard on the leash he chokes himself. The choking causes him to stop and cough about every 10 feet. Also, he goes crazy every time he sees another dog, so we have to pick him up and carry him. Being that it was a fairly nice day (50 degrees with cloud cover and only a little wind) the beach was a pretty busy place. Dogs were running wild everywhere. Kyla, of course, flips out wherever Pepper is concerned. She is sure he's going to get off his leash or pull the leash out of my hand or get attacked by a dog or be hit by a mini-meteorite!! There is just no rationalizing with her. She runs completely on FEELING.... and she just loves that little stinker so much that she gets herself all freaked out! Needless to say, the beach was not soothing or magical. It was downright horrid. So after about 15 minutes we were on our way home.
Stopped off at Woodley Island Marina to finish off the roll of film. I made Kyla walk out onto a little dock thing so she was in front of Carson Mansion. She has always loved that building and it really puts her out that it is a private club and she cannot go there. While there she was sure one of us or Pepper was going to fall into the bay. Ack!
Hopefully next time we will have more luck.
WOW! What a beautiful young lady. She looks just like you. Mason's picture scares me because that will be Brady in 2 years. Brady's feet are bigger than mine. For some reason that is a big deal to me.
Hey Julie, Mason wears a size 11 shoe... his feet have been bigger than mine since he was in 4th grade!! Kyla, of course, has smidgy little feet.... they go with her cute little self... she's still only 4'9"!!
Thanks for the comment!
Kyla looks so grown up and so beautiful!
I remember her way back when... when Kyler and Kyla were just little tikes playing on the side lines of the soccer field as we would be watching the bigger boys playing. Seems like yesterday.
Where has the time gone. Kalen is not quite into the girls just yet like Mason is. But, boy has he grown and is now standing over 6 feet and also driving.
Yikes, these teenage years are scarey.
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