Monday, March 30, 2009


So, have I ever told you my theory about why I am such a procrastinator? The idea comes from way back in the 80's... when I was in good old pyschology 101 in college. You see, we learned about stuttering. About what reinforces the stuttering person. When a stutter develops, the person feels tension, stress, etc. building up inside them. Then, when the words are finally released, there is a natural relaxation... a kind of internal reward. The more severe the stuttering problem, the more severe the stress, and, consequently, the more pleasurable the release.
For me, I follow this same pattern with procrastinating. The longer I put something off, the more I worry about it, the more stress builds up over it. Then, when I finally complete the task there is a great relief, a great feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes I will have a little task to do... for example, going online and ordering books for parents at school. It takes about 15 minutes if I don't dally around, but I have been carrying around those blasted book orders since March 10. I keep thinking about it, worrying about it, wondering... should get express shipping? Can I afford to buy anything? Will there be books available for my Literacy Night in May? And on and on, so tonight when I finally took the few minutes to complete the book order it felt like I had REALLY ACCOMPLISHED something. The stress is gone.
Now, if only my classroom memory books were up to date!

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