Friday, March 06, 2009


It's Friday, fabulous Friday. Had a good day at school, even with several people sick from the flu. We ended our celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday by eating green eggs and ham. One little guy sat with his lips sealed tight and just stared at me. There was NO way he was gonna try even one bite. I did my best to encourage him to be brave, but he wasn't having any of it. Another boy took one bite and announced he didn't like it, but then when everyone else kept going on and on about how good it was, he took another bite and decided he liked it, then ate the whole plate.
Now I'm home. Pepper is at my feet alternating between chewing chunks of plastic off of his pig and licking it. Occasionally he whacks me in the leg with it, and I reach down and throw the slimy thing across the room for him. I am listening to this new all hits radio station and so far I've heard "Eye of the Tiger" (which I hate) and some weird 70's song I swear I've never heard and some Air Supply. They are NOT on a roll.
I am looking forward to (maybe) talking Mark into taking me out to dinner, and to sleeping in tomorrow, and to going to a fun wine tasting in Tuolumne Co in April, and to someday owning a digital camera so I can post more pictures here.

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

Sleeping in...what's that? Naps on the other hand,I know a thing or two about them :)