Again, a picture less day, but here is the synopsis....
Mark and M went golfing at a course way out in a suburb called Summerlin (something like that) Kyla and I went shopping. We started out by dropping off the boys then going to several stores near the golf course and then ahuge outlet mall. We had unsuccessfully tried to get an Abercrombie & Fitch sweatshirt once already, but her heart was set on one, so we asked a nice salesboy at Aeropostale if there was another A&F in town. He directed us to a mall in another suburb on the opposite side of town from where the golf course was.
We spent at least 45 minutes trying to find it (the maps in those brochures are impossibly inaccurate) and just as we were sitting in the left turn lane to enter the parking lot, my phone rang and Mark was ready to be picked up. He agreed we should get the sweatshirt then pick them up as they were hungry and would have lunch at the course. So we park, run into the mall, find a map, locate A&F, run back out to the car, drive to the other end of the mall, run in, find the store, find the sweatshirt she wants, but it's not in her size.
Here's where things get interesting..... We ask the unhelpful salesboy (I'll call him Spike due to his hairstyle) where to find more, he says in the back room. We go to the back room. We find some other sweatshirts, but not the one she wants, then I spot a low mannequin wearing the sweatshirt she wants, and I check the size. It's the right size, so I remove it from the mannequin and find it has no tag. We go back to the front room where I take the sweatshirt to Spike and say, "This is the sweatshirt she wants, but it has no tag."
Here's where things get really interesting....
Spike: Where did you get this (flicker of nervousness on his face)
Me: In the back room... I took it off a mannequin.
Spike: You took it off a mannequin? (Now look of shock is beginning to spread across his face)
Me: Yes, it's the size she wants.
Spike: YOU TOOK IT OFF A MANNEQUIN?!? (Completely aghast)
Me: Yes, she wants this sweatshirt can you get a tag?
Spike: You are not allowed to touch the mannequins. (now wringing the sweatshirt with anguish)
Me: Well, can we buy the sweatshirt?
Spike: You can go to the register and ask if they have another size small in the back. I would help you if I could, but I'm not allowed to leave this room.
So, we go ask, and of course they do not (even though I have spotted 5 other mannequins wearing the sweatshirt K wants), so she picks out a different sweatshirt, and we buy it (for about $74) and we leave. We leave the store who has 6 navy blue zip up sweatshirts in size small on mannequins, which you are not allowed to touch, and which are not for sale. I sure hope Abercrombie & Fitch goes out of style soon as their store policies are totally screwed up!
Unfortunately for the boys we then got stuck in traffic, so it took us another hour and a half to get to the golf course. They were happy as clams when we got there until Mark heard about the Abercrombie fiasco. Then we went to WalMart. Where everything you see is actually available for purchase. This is a store I can understand.
Will try to finish up later today and move on to my current life!!
Happy shopping, Nancy
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I need a time out!
I am up to my eyebrows in stress this week, and next week will probably be worse, but I know what I need.......
some great products from
Go over and take a look, her products are amazing!!!
Wish I was taking a soak in a bath right now!
Love, Nancy
some great products from
Go over and take a look, her products are amazing!!!
Wish I was taking a soak in a bath right now!
Love, Nancy
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Day 2
We hung around the condo most of the day until around dinner time, then we caught the shuttle down to the strip. Even though it was early evening it was still about 95 to 100 degrees. My plan (if you've ever been on vacation with me, you know I have to have a plan and a list of things to do) was to start off at Monte Carlo (where we were dropped off) and walk all the way down to the Northern end of the strip to Circus Circus to see the free circus and then to Stratosphere to ride one (or all) of the roller coasters, while taking in the sights along the way.
It all started out according to plan.... we ate a good dinner (I had an excellent pear martini) at the ESPN Zone in New York New York. Then we tromped back out into the night. Now, let me just tell you that the maps all make it look like the casinos are right next to each other and a breeze to walk to. That is simply NOT the case. It is MILES from one to the other! We were walking for about an hour, and we were not even one third of the way up the strip! We watched the "Dancing Fountains" at the Bellagio then went into the Forum (a fancy mall) at Caesar's Palace to see the moving statues. Unfortunately it was late, and the statues weren't moving, but Kyla spotted Abercrombie & Fitch on the map, so we were off on a new hike (at least this one was air conditioned) to the OTHER end of the mall. When we got there, the store was sold out of the sweatshirt she wanted, and we couldn't get any of the snotty sales people to wait on us. So, we hiked back out and were almost back to the Monte Carlo when we were overcome by exhaustion and thirst. We stopped in a McDonald's to get drinks and Mark waited in line for about 20 minutes, witnessing a near fight with several drunks. After we were refreshed we hiked, I mean strolled, back to our stop to take the shuttle back to our condo.
After 4 hours on the strip we had dinner, saw a 5 minute light/water show, walked through a mall and had a soda at McDonald's. Not anything to write home about. I had better come up with a new plan for the next day.....
Oh, and I didn't bring my camera because I didn't want to lug it around all night and I sorely regretted it.
Back with more soon! Nancy
It all started out according to plan.... we ate a good dinner (I had an excellent pear martini) at the ESPN Zone in New York New York. Then we tromped back out into the night. Now, let me just tell you that the maps all make it look like the casinos are right next to each other and a breeze to walk to. That is simply NOT the case. It is MILES from one to the other! We were walking for about an hour, and we were not even one third of the way up the strip! We watched the "Dancing Fountains" at the Bellagio then went into the Forum (a fancy mall) at Caesar's Palace to see the moving statues. Unfortunately it was late, and the statues weren't moving, but Kyla spotted Abercrombie & Fitch on the map, so we were off on a new hike (at least this one was air conditioned) to the OTHER end of the mall. When we got there, the store was sold out of the sweatshirt she wanted, and we couldn't get any of the snotty sales people to wait on us. So, we hiked back out and were almost back to the Monte Carlo when we were overcome by exhaustion and thirst. We stopped in a McDonald's to get drinks and Mark waited in line for about 20 minutes, witnessing a near fight with several drunks. After we were refreshed we hiked, I mean strolled, back to our stop to take the shuttle back to our condo.
After 4 hours on the strip we had dinner, saw a 5 minute light/water show, walked through a mall and had a soda at McDonald's. Not anything to write home about. I had better come up with a new plan for the next day.....
Oh, and I didn't bring my camera because I didn't want to lug it around all night and I sorely regretted it.
Back with more soon! Nancy
Monday, August 20, 2007
Day One in Vegas....

On Tuesday morning we puttered around in our car trying to find a place for breakfast. I was, of course, short tempered and irritable due to lack of food.... one of my defining characteristics, unfortunately! But we finally stopped at a place called "The Bootlegger". It was all done in red velvet and old mahogany looking wood with a piano and old photographs of the family who owned it. Kyla, for some odd reason, thought they were vampires. After breakfast, we were off to shop for groceries.
Once that was all taken care of, we headed off to Hoover Dam. We stopped at a "vista point" overlooking Lake Mead where I took this photo of Kyla. When we came around the corner that overlooks the dam, I was amazed. It was so incredibly huge. We did the tour thing and laughed at our "dam guide" and his "dam jokes" We didn't really get many good pictures, but I like this one of the statues.
If you are at all interested in construction or history or engineering, I would highly recommend a visit. It still amazes me that it was built in the 1930's. Wow!
I'll be back later with more....
Toodles! Nancy
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Off and running.....
Well, sort of!
We arrived home from our family trip to Vegas last night around 8:30... we had left at 5:30 am, and made pretty decent time with 6 stops.....
This morning when I weighed and measured, I found that one week of indulgence had cancelled out 4 weeks of work and I was back to my July 19th state....
Such a bummer since I had planned on being tan and thin when I give my presentation on Tuesday.... (a work thing) and it looks like that is now out of the question.... Oh well, today I am back on schedule, so I'm headed to the treadmill for 4 miles of fun!!
Be back later with photos from the trip (hopefully!)
Love, Nancy
We arrived home from our family trip to Vegas last night around 8:30... we had left at 5:30 am, and made pretty decent time with 6 stops.....
This morning when I weighed and measured, I found that one week of indulgence had cancelled out 4 weeks of work and I was back to my July 19th state....
Such a bummer since I had planned on being tan and thin when I give my presentation on Tuesday.... (a work thing) and it looks like that is now out of the question.... Oh well, today I am back on schedule, so I'm headed to the treadmill for 4 miles of fun!!
Be back later with photos from the trip (hopefully!)
Love, Nancy
Friday, August 10, 2007
Almost over

Summer is coming to a close very quickly, and I will be back at work, hectic and frantic to finish my day to day chores..... but before that, WE ARE ALL GOING TO VEGAS!
Mark and I and the kids are leaving tomorrow for Las Vegas. We'll be stopping off in Sonora for a visit with friends first. I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to feel the hot sun and see the sights.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!!

Here is my very well worn birth picture from the hospital. I scrapped it about 4 years ago....

And this is a picture of me and my sweet mom on my first birthday.
I am spending the day picking blackberries out at my parent's house. And then a nice dinner with Mark.
Now, while I was typing away, Mark came home for lunch and brought my present...... he's such a wonderful guy... he got me diamond earrings!! 1/2 carat studs.... something I've been wanting forever!! Thanks honey! You're the best!
Love and birthday hugs for all! Nancy
Saturday, August 04, 2007
7 miles!!
Today on my little training schedule it says I have to go 7 miles!! Yikes! I am going to do the miles outside because walking/running 7 miles on the treadmill sounds like the most boring thing in the world! I can't take my crazy dog as he can't go that far without being carried.... and I'm wondering if I even can!! Will take Mark's Ipod and my cell phone. Am wondering about water. If I take that I will drink it all and then I'll have to find a "rest stop" if you get my drift....
7 miles!!!
Wish me luck! Nancy
7 miles!!!
Wish me luck! Nancy
Friday, August 03, 2007
So, I went over to one of my favorite quote sites this morning to look for a quote about friendship. Last night I had dinner with sweet Danette, and it just felt so wonderful to have my heart held lovingly by a friend, so in honor of that wonderful treat there is this often used but very appropriate quote....
A friend is a gift you give yourself. -Emerson
During my search I came across this quote....
When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce.Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument.That is my experience.No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change.
Thich Nhat Hanh
So appropriate for all of the turmoil in my life the past few weeks. I am struggling with being understanding and loving.... my mind whirls around in endless circles... reasoning, arguing, blaming and persuading. I am trying to let go... to understand.
A friend is a gift you give yourself. -Emerson
During my search I came across this quote....
When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce.Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument.That is my experience.No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change.
Thich Nhat Hanh
So appropriate for all of the turmoil in my life the past few weeks. I am struggling with being understanding and loving.... my mind whirls around in endless circles... reasoning, arguing, blaming and persuading. I am trying to let go... to understand.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Wake up call
So this morning I stumble out of bed at 8:33 thinking I'm up pretty early for me.... lately I've been sleeping in until about 9.... but I could sleep no longer because I could hear M pacing around in the kitchen. So, anyway, out I wander, shooting M a grumpy look as I pass, headed for my computer and some early morning email. When M says, "Don't I have an orthodontist appointment today?" CRAP! His appointment is for 8:30!! At this point, we are already 6 minutes late, so being the responsible mother I am, I yell at M for not checking the calendar and run around for another 2 minutes looking for a phone (why, oh why are the handsets never in the chargers?) and the ortho's number before I decide to just jump in the car in my jammies (no makeup, teeth unbrushed) and hope they'll take him even though he's late.
We arrived at the office a mere 20 minutes late and I send M in to face the receptionist... Let's face it, I am a coward, and I am in my jammies (no makeup, teeth unbrushed)!! A few minutes later he comes out to the car and says they'll work him in. "Did you ask how long the appointment will last?" I ask. "No, I forgot," he says. So here I am stuck in the car in my jammies (no makeup, teeth unbrushed)!! with no way of knowing how long the wait will be. Thank God for the cell phone (and for forgetting to plug it into the charger last night, or it would certainly still be there and not in my purse!). So I call the receptionist and apologize and find out he'll be there for about an hour. Hooray! I get to go home and shower and put on regular clothes and makeup and brush my teeth!
I love summer, I really do, but sometimes I ASTONISH myself with how easy it is to turn into a total sloth..... It's a good thing I am not independently wealthy, because I am sure I would turn into a complete couch potato!
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!
Love, Nancy
We arrived at the office a mere 20 minutes late and I send M in to face the receptionist... Let's face it, I am a coward, and I am in my jammies (no makeup, teeth unbrushed)!! A few minutes later he comes out to the car and says they'll work him in. "Did you ask how long the appointment will last?" I ask. "No, I forgot," he says. So here I am stuck in the car in my jammies (no makeup, teeth unbrushed)!! with no way of knowing how long the wait will be. Thank God for the cell phone (and for forgetting to plug it into the charger last night, or it would certainly still be there and not in my purse!). So I call the receptionist and apologize and find out he'll be there for about an hour. Hooray! I get to go home and shower and put on regular clothes and makeup and brush my teeth!
I love summer, I really do, but sometimes I ASTONISH myself with how easy it is to turn into a total sloth..... It's a good thing I am not independently wealthy, because I am sure I would turn into a complete couch potato!
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!
Love, Nancy
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