Wednesday, February 09, 2011


So I can't believe I skipped a whole month of blogging. Long ago, when I was in a beginning teacher mentoring program, the leader used to talk about the "energy level" of teachers and how their year progresses. Say we put it on a scale of 1-10. 1 meaning you are completely depressed, you feel like things in your classroom are going horribly and you don't want to be there. Conversely, 10 would mean you feel great about each day, you are optimistic about the things that are happening in your classroom and you love your class and your job. Well, teachers start out around the 7 mark in Late August and early September... they dip a little in late October when the crazy Halloween energy hits, they go up a bit in preparation for the Winter break... Then, it's January. That month of January and the dreaded February are a teacher's low point. They bottom out around 4 or maybe even 3 before picking up steam and finishing off in June with an 8.
So what is my point in all this blathering? Well, I have had a particulary hectic and stress filled January. I have been feeling the pressure of getting my class ready for state testing (a writing test in March and the BIG ONE in early May). I have slacked off on the working out, which inevitably makes me feel worse, but I just can't seem to fit it in. I have slacked off on housework. And we have had a large number of car related issues I won't go into at this time. It has been a tough month.
Sorry for abandoning Blogland. I will try to get back her more often. Miss you!

Love, Nancy

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Yay!! I've missed hearing about you!