I apologize for feeling so sorry for myself like a big blubber-er.
Anyway, things are feeling much less hectic around here now. I have finished my work (at school anyway) for 2008, and I don't think I forgot anything really important.
Wrapped and sent students' presents? CHECK
Gave gifts/cards to work people? CHECK
Sent gifts to parent helpers home? CHECK
Put items in bags for custodians and secretaries? CHECK
Sent home giant bags full of work and messy gingerbread houses? CHECK
Ate delicious piece of cake left on my desk by former parent? OOOOOPS!
Uh oh! I hope their aren't any ants in my room when I get back to work next week!
Everyone deserves a pity party now and then. Sometimes, when things finally work out after being a source of stress for so long, it's hard to trust that things are finally good. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and new home.
Love, Diane
Or roaches! :)
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