Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Just a little update to let everyone know how things are going around here.... We are going to be leaving Tuolumne County in only 5 more days. I am not overwhelmed with things to do as Mark's wonderful new company is paying someone to move us completely, but I am overwhelmed with emotions.

Moving here was such a huge change for me. I felt like my life was turned upside down, and I really wasn't sure I would survive. I could not imagine what my life would be so far away from "home" or if I would ever make any new friends or if I would get a job or if I would survive the snow in winter or heat in summer. It was all so foreign and frightening. I spent a lot of time crying... It was my biggest life challenge up to that point.

Of course, I did learn to live far away from all that was familiar. I actually did more than just survive... I thrived. I made many wonderful friends, I accomplished my dream of being a teacher, I crashed only once in the snow, and I learned to wear tank tops and shorts and stay in the shade in summer. And with time it got even better.... this new place became our home. It's actually the only home my children can remember.

Again, I am overwhelmed with the changes I am facing in the next few days and weeks.... for myself and for Mark and the kids. If you are out there, and if you are listening, we could really use your prayers.

Love ya! N

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A date is set....

August 1, 2006.

For 2 months people have been asking..."When will you be here?" (if they live in Humboldt County) or..... "When are you leaving?" (if they live in Tuolumne County)... so now we have an answer. August 1, 2006.

While up in Eureka for my class reunion, Mark and I found a beautiful house in a picturesque neighborhood, and we fell in love with it. So we will be moving and renting it until our house sells and we are able to buy it. It will be nice to be settled in when school starts. The kids will not have to sleep on couches, we will not have to live out of suitcases. It just seems a little fast for me..... I am grieving the loss of my home here. Today I will be taking at least a whole roll of film of the details about this house that I never want to forget. I can feel a mini album in the works. Maybe I will actually scrapbook!!! It has been a long, dry summer in the scrapping department! Only 2 pages in the last two months.... hopefully it will be a more productive July!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Graduate

So, as most of you know while I was away vacationing in Australia, Mason graduated from 8th grade. He had a fantastic day, said it was the best day of his life, EVER, and became even more angry about moving to Eureka...... because now he won't get to see his friends anymore.

I want to thank my friend, Lori, for taking this picture of my firstborn on this important day. I am so proud of him for more reasons than I can list here. Suffice it to say, he is a witty, funny, smart, handsome and caring son, and I am praying that he will be able to accept this move and adjust to his new home. I am sure everyone will want to be his friend.... Who could resist that face?