Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby sitter

So yesterday was my second time babysitting my great niece, Sophia. She is a super easy baby and rarely cries. So I just spend the whole time holding her and talking to her and walking around doing little things around the house. Yesterday I took her on my Saturday errands with me, and it went really well, only I got a sore bicep on the right from carrying her around for 2 hours straight!

The first time I watched her we had a couple of little photo shoots. Isn't she just adorable!!

Happy Sunday! Love, Nancy

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Stuff

1. The eggs are incubating. They have been in for 11 or so days. At day 8 I tried to candle them, but couldn't really see anything. I was super worried and freaking out that they had been refrigerated since when I got them they were so cold. I looked all over the internet and got conflicting stories about the viability of eggs that had gotten been refrigerated.... Turns out they had just been in the barn. So, I am feeling better. Hoping for 8 fluffy little chicks in a week and a half!!

2. Just about done with parent-teacher conferences. I have one more to go tomorrow afternoon. Overall they went really well. I am really happy with how much this class has learned. They are much higher academically than any class I have had in the past. It's been fun to watch how fast they learn!

3. Was on a consistently good workout regimen for about 2 months or so. This week has been a bust.... No exercise since Sunday. I can feel the lethargy setting in.

4. Off to watch the Season Finale of Project Runway. Hope it's worth an 11:00 bedtime!