So on Saturday I had to work for a few hours getting to know new Kinders for next year and letting parents know what to expect as well. As soon as everyone left for home I pulled my tray of eggs out of the incubator and headed for the bathroom with the flashlight to candle them. As I was walking I heard this little, "peep, peep......peep" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about jumped 10 feet in the air and my heart started pounding like crazy! I looked a little closer and noticed that about 4 of the eggs had little holes in them. I couldn't believe it! They were supposed to hatch on Monday. Here it was only Saturday and they were peeping and had broken through the shell. After looking up some very helpful info on the net (how did I ever survive without it!) I learned about internal pip and external pip and figured they would hatch out on Sunday or Monday.
On Sunday we were spending the day in Hayfork at my Granny's (a 3 hour drive) so we stopped by the school to check on the eggs' progress. I raced into the classroom and across to the incubator and saw that 2 of the ducklings were hatched out! They looked horrible and slimy and couldn't move very well. Partly because they were weak, and partly because the incubator is tiny and barely fit 8 eggs. I pulled the tray out a little and removed the shell that was close to the wiggliest ducky to give him a little more room to maneuver. Then we set off on our family trip.
On the way home around 6 pm, we stopped again, and all five of the eggs that I thought were viable had hatched. It was so crowded in there now , it was nearly impossible to even count the ducklings. I checked the 3 eggs that I thought were duds at the 8 day candling (but was too paranoid to throw out), and disgarded them. Then, I got rid of all the shells and wiped the guck out of the incubator. While I was busy, the ducklings were kind of wobbling around in their box, but they didn't look very happy, so I put them back in the incubator and left them there overnight.
In the morning they were even slimier looking than the night before, but when I placed the incubator tray in the box they took off running around. By about 10 am they were looking quite a bit fluffier. By 2 pm they were drinking their water. After school I went and bought some starter food, so by 4 pm they were pecking granules out of my hand (although they seemed much more interested in eating my wedding ring!).
Today they were all pretty active. They eat quite a bit and drink a TON of water. They run around, and are pretty good at darting away from my hand. For the most part they don't like to be held. Although Cindyanna charmed a couple of them after school. :)
Hopefully tomorrow we will pick out names for them. There is a black one with black feet, a bigger brown one with a yellow chest and yellow feet, and 3 brownish yellow ones. One of the yellow ones has some left over guck on his head making it look like he has his "hair" parted. They are completely adorable.
Photos will come as soon as I get my 4 rolls of film developed!