Saturday, April 26, 2008

Confession #6

I like to drink too much. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have a drinking problem... I am not an alcoholic. But for the last 2 Fridays I have had little girlie cocktail parties, and I have had soooooo much fun! So much fun that I have not been able to do much of anything on Saturday! The first week I made the "Fuzzytinis" and they were pretty much just vodka with a spritz of peach schnapps and a peach slice. Deadly. And not even very good tasting. It got out of hand. Last night I served only champagne, wine, beer and cherry coke zero. It still got out of hand. Also, I forgot to eat, so a double whammy on my sensitive tummy. Both nights, though, were filled with laughter and crazy girl energy. Which is something I miss since I have moved so far away from my wonderful Twain Harte girls. It has been a balm to my lonely soul. I would like to have these parties every Friday night, but I fear the loud talking has permanently scarred my 16 year old son. He insists I have the loudest voice in the bunch and he asked me not to carry on with my weekly plans. I guess as a mom I will have to oblige him. I don't want to be THAT mom anyway. But, I will miss it. Maybe we should have a 8:30 curfew.... All the fun you can imagine for 2 1/2 hours.... then done. Maybe the boy could go to a movie the next time I have friends over. Hmmmmmmm, I will have to put more thought into this.

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

I'm sure we all would love to help you brain storm!!! He he he.