Friday, June 24, 2011

Cabo... a look ahead

Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Cabo. It will be our first time bringing the kids along. Hopefully we will have fun, get to relax and make some great memories together.
I am looking forward to introducing the kids to this iguana who hangs by the pool.
And to drinking many refreshing drinks during happy hour. (Did you know that in Cabo "Happy Hour" goes from 10 am to 6 pm?)
Mark will probably golf a few days with "the boy" (I am still not allowed to say his name on the internet for fear of high school girl stalkers!) in tow. Maybe Kyla and I will ride along in the cart and take pictures. Kyla could practice her driving. :-)
I am also bringing along a prodigious pile of books to read. Even bigger than this one! I can't wait to update you all when I get back. ]

Love, Nancy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well, since I've been a missing in action blogger, many things have been going on around here. I plugged along and finished my school year with a lot of laughter, a few tears and a huge rush to complete the things I thought were important enough to work on as the school year drew to a close (and the students became less and less focused on academics). The 4th and 5th graders chose "Animal Abuse" as the topic for their Project Citizen venture. Most of them were extremely passionate about it. They are sweet kids with a great love for animals.

In the couple of weeks since school has been out I've been taking walks with my wonderful sister and these two adorable girls.

I've been bravely taking this girl out for a couple of driving lessons.

And, just today I found out some very nice news. I will update you soon. After everything is settled.